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eka indah yuliani

Beasiswa Unggulan Kemendikbud

Memandu dari Cikunir sampai Karawang

Diperbarui: 27 Februari 2021   21:25

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Memandu dari Cikunir sampai Karawang

Hallo,nama saya Eka Indah Yuliani biasa dipanggil Eka, saya adalah mahasiswa STP Trisakti yang beruntung mendapatkan beasiswa unggulan kemendikbud tahun 2019. Dikesempatan kali ini saya ingin mengajak teman-teman sekalian untuk belajar bagaimana memandu dengan menggunakan Bahasa inggris dari Cikunir sampai Karawang

good morning ladies and gentlemen, do you still exited for our tour today?
so ladies and gentlemen, do not know do not love, so let me introduce my self first my name is eka indah Yuliani, you can call me eka and I am being your guide from trisakti tour and travel for accompany yor tour today. So if u need something you can call me.

well ladies and gentlemen now we are still at jalan cikunir or cikunir street. As I said to you the name of this street is cikunir.

in Indonesia there are many place first named by word ci. Specially at west java area. Example cibubur, cimahi,cipayung,cisarua,etc. This word originated from sunda that means light. Supposedly, at west java area there is a sunda purba volcano montain with tall more than 17.000 meters below sea level. Its so tall until the sunda purba volcano mountain always have a snow and always shine the area at there becaice she springkle shine from the ice. So ladies and gentlemen, suppostedly sunda purba volcano montain area is the pace of the gods calls hyang resides as a ancestor. And also a long time ago when naming the area shows the existence of a kingdoms power.

well ladies and gentlemen we are at Jakarta outer ring road right now. Jakarta outer ring road is toll road that surround outside of Jakarta that known since 1990s. This Jakarta outer ring road made for Tangerang people or Jakarta people that wanna go to Bekasi,bogor,and cities at pantura etc.

so ladies and gentlemen as I told u before, Indonesia have 2 seasons are summer and rainy season. Summer season happen on march until September and rainy season happen on October until February. But right now at indonesis the season uncertain. It could be so hot but suddenly rainy and otherwise. But adont worry cause I have prepared of umbrella and plastic rainy clothes at this bus.
ladies and gentlemen u could see the car on you left or your right side, the windshield of every car is gloomy or dark. Bit still follow the rules of the dark windshield at Indonesia. And people use it for covering the driver from the sun shine and you have already felt it at here, Bekasi.
so now we are at Bekasi. Bekasi is one of city of Indonesia at west java province. Name of Bekasi is from word BAGASASI that meaning river that across this cities wrote at prasasti tugu tarumanegara kingdom. This city is part of jabodetabek metropolitan are Jakarta bogor depok Tangerang Bekasi. And this city being satellite city with the largest population in Indonesia. And this city being the industry cenrtral city. Dominant industrial sector at here are motorized vehicle and transportation, trading, metal, machinery and electronics industries, contruction, and gas and water electricity.. because that at here feels hot mere than the other cityes.

well ladies and gentlemen the vehicle of Indonesia same with the orher country, ah here we have motorcycle,car,bus,train,plane etc. and ladies and gentlemen at Indonesia we have some rules for license plate color, at here we have 5 types of license plate color are. The first is black cour that for personal vehicle. Second is yellow color that for public transportation. Thirs is red that for government. Forth is white that for foreign country diplomatic.and the last but not least is green for the cops and army. But not just the colour, the license plate number at Indonesia have some rules too, every cities have they own license plate number example, Jakarta is B, Bogor is F, Bangka is BN, and etc.

well ladies and gentleman like I said before at here we have public transportation example like bus is transjakarta that is transportation system bus rapid transit or BRT the first at southeast and south asia that is mass transit system with special busway. This transjakarta can pick people like 30 people for each bus that take a pay 3.500 rupiahs per pax that paid with special card ex jak link oar flazz that refillable and can use money too at the street but not at the statiun. At the statiun have to use card.

but ladies and gentlemen, there are more alternative puclic transportation online like GRAB and GOJEK at Indonesia. Grab and gojek same like the other online public transportation. There are motorcycle, car, and scooter too. Even for deliver food or thing. And they have they own uniform is green jacket and helmet.

so ladies and gentlemen we are at cikampek toll road. This cikampek toll road have 2 way one is this way is from cikunir to karawang and overpass cikampek toll road from Jakarta to cikampek with total long is 73 km. this cikampek toll road have been testing on 21 september 1988 and inaugurated by the previous president is Suharto on 19 november 1988. At here we use card toll is e money card without manual pay anymore since October 2017. And ladies and gentlemen below this toll there is a build of railway for fast train. Have to build the railway because the geography of Indonesia that crook for the fast train. Because that there is some project for this.

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