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Ryedho Ramadhan

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The Thoughts of Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad Iqbal

Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2019   22:06

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

The thoughts of Muhammad Abduh & Muhammad iqbal

Muhammad Abduh
Muhammad Abduh was born in 1849 into a farming family in Lower Egypt. He was educated by private teachers and reciters from the Quran. When he entered the age of thirteen he was sent to the Ahmadi mosque which is one of the largest educational institutions in Egypt. A few moments later Abduh escaped from school and married.
Muhammad Abduh's Islamic Education Reform Ideas:
A. Renewal of Islamic Education in Al-Azhar

 The reforms carried out by Muhammad Abduh for the progress of al-Azhar are:
1. Increase the salaries of poor teachers or lecturers
2. Building Ruaq Al-Azhar, namely the need for accommodation for lecturers and students.
3. Established the Al-Azhar Administration Council (Idarah al-Azhar)
4. Improve the condition of the library which is very sad.
5. To appoint a number of secretaries to help smooth the work of Sheikh al-Azhar.
6. Arrange holidays, where shorter holidays and a longer learning period.
7. The long-winded lesson description known as Syarah al-Hawasyi is sought to be eliminated and replaced with teaching methods that are in accordance with the times.
8. Add the subjects of Numeracy, Algebra, Islamic History, Language and Literature and the Principles of Geometry and Geography into the al-Azhar curriculum.

B. Renewal in the Field of Political Education.
In the field of state politics, Abduh had different ideas from his teacher Jamaludin Al-Afgani. Al Afgani wants renewal of Muslims through state renewal, while Abduh believes that state renewal can be achieved through renewal of the ummah. Abduh did not want the path of revolution but through the path of evolution. Therefore Abduh did not want a confrontational attitude towards the invaders in order to improve the people from within. Muhammad Abduh proposed the principle of deliberation which was deemed able to realize a democratic political life.

Muhammad Iqbal
 Muhammad Iqbal is a Muslim philosopher who was born in Sialkot Pakistan who was born on November 9, 1877. On April 21, 1938 he died in the world at the age of 63 years. Muhammad Iqbal is a philosopher and poet. His poetry is great because of his philosophy and his philosophy is great because of his poetry. His ideas about reform and politics led Indian Muslims to become a nation free from the shadow of India, Pakistan. Although he was a poet and philosopher, his thoughts on the progress and decline of Muslims greatly influenced the Islamic renewal movement.

4 thoughts of Muhammad Iqbal:
1. Combining science knowledge, kalam science, Sufism, social to understand Islam.
2. Do not separate philosophy of philosophy in life.
3. Bright thoughts poured through poetry and poetry.
4. Save the spiritual of the Muslims by making the people prosperous.


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