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The Golden Shell Tortoise

Diperbarui: 24 Mei 2024   01:33

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                "Oh no, I'm such a mess! I'm so dirty as well", he grumbled. But, he tried his best to walk on a carpet of mud.

Yup! Every animals knew his name very clearly. He was Toto the little tortoise who always said that he can find the golden shell. Once, on a summer evening, Toto met with Lala the rabbit. "You know what, Toto? My grandma said my ears are such a blessed that I have ever had. I am able to hear everything from miles." Said Lala proudly. "Of course you are, I adore if I were you Lala." He said pleasent. After that, he came home. He realized that every animals in the jungle has their own super powers. Chippy the bird with his wings, Lala the rabbit with her big ears, Gomu the elephant with his amazing trunk, and many more. He mused and think about it for a long time. If everyone has their own super powers, how about mine? I am the slowest than the others, I'm not big enough, and I always left behind in every situation, he muttered to himself. Suddenly Figo the crow came towards him, "What's wrong, huh? Do you need something, To?" Asked him. "No, Figo. I'm just wondering about my super power. What if... I ain't that special to be born in this world. What should I do to live my life happier?" Toto worried. "Oh I see, I can help you anyway. I know someone whom you can ask for to answer those kind of questions, actually. But, it's not easy to go there. You need to cross a river and hike the Huda Mountain first. She is on the top of it, the last time I saw Mimi the squirrel go there and now her life gets better. All your dreams will come true soon." Said Figo convinced him. 

                 On the next day, Toto decided to go to Huda Mountain to meet someone who could bring a better life for him. Because he was a tortoise, so he asked for a golden shell to make all the animals amazed to him. Day by day, he started the journey step by step for 6 days long. It must be tortured for him, he crossed a carpet of mud, river and hiked the mountain as the crow said. Finally, he arrived. There was a black mushroom house with the cage around it. He knocked at the door, and ... surprisingly, an old tortoise came up inside the house. "Hello, there. My name is Toto. I heard that you can do sorcery, so I wish I could have a golden shell for my shell. Would you, Sir?" Asked Toto hesitate. "Haahhhh..." Sighed the old tortoise hearing that. "Well, Kid. Seems like you got prank by someone. I don't do sorcery, I'm just an old man who wants peace for rest of my life. Sorry, I can't do that for you." Explained him. Hearing that words Toto was really upset and sad. Then the old tortoise felt guilty and tried to cheer him up. "Don't be sad. May I know the reason behind your wish?, Kid?" He wondered. "I just feel, that only me, it's just that don't have any super powers. Everyone is so special, except me." Toto cried. "Hmm, you and I are the same creature. We are tortoise. See. Do I look bad for you?" He said. "Listen, Toto. Have you ever think twice before you made your mind? Or asking to someone about yourself?" Asked him. Toto shook his head while he was wiping up the tears. "You don't have to ask for it, because you already have it. You are a golden shell tortoise and you are special. Sometimes, it's hard for us to find the incredible things on ourselves. But your shell is already gold. As gorgeous as you are, so you don't have to change anything, Dear." Cheered the old tortoise. Toto was shocked, he directly went to a river nearby and saw his reflection. As the old man said, the river was shimmer cause of his golden shell. He felt so confidence and grateful to what he sees. 

                    My dear friends, if I could have much time, perhaps  a hundred days ain't enough to count all of my lacks and flaws. But if I have much time, perhaps I want to use it to count all of my bless that God always given to me. The joy for the food, the breath, health, love and a chance to remake up and fix the things what I have broke. Some of the time, we doubt on ourselves but remember God is kind, always be kind. Be true to yourself and see the goodness mingles you. If you can see the good in God, you are the winner of life. 

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