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Industrial Waste Problem through Regulation Perspective in Indonesia

Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2016   08:49

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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

The development of industry in Indonesia increase significantly from year to year. This condition supported by many global agreements such as ASEAN Economic Community and government policy that offer opportunity for foreign investment through revision of Presidential Regulation (PP) No. 36 of 2010 on Investment Negative List. This regulation intend to re-consider about the existence of industrial sector and add some industrial sector that can’t exist before in Indonesia such as the logistics industry and pharmaceuticals. 

The development of industrial through production will be followed by the amount of waste disposal. Environment and Forest ministry has issued several regulations regarding waste management industry. Some important rules are that waste-related Ministerial Decree of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 regarding Standard Wastewater and the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014 about the management of hazardous and toxic waste (B3).

However, there are still many industries that do not comply with these regulations. General Director of Waste Management, Hazardous Waste and Toxic Substances (B3) from Environment and Forest ministry Tuti Hendrawati Mintarsih mention that most companies in Indonesia is not yet manage and utilize hazardous and toxic waste (B3) well. 

Data from Ministry of Environment noted, waste managed during 2015 is now about 200 million tons or just 1.82 percent of total waste that have already managed and recycled. Most of these problems arise because of the number of B3 waste processing equipment is not adequate in the industrial enterprises so that the industrial waste directly without any treatment in advance. Consideration of such facilities is also based on the cost of considerable investment that must be issued by the company. 

According research conducted by Jakarta Water Institution in 2011, the factors that makes the industrial wastewater management not performed optimally in almost all regions in Indonesia is because the application installation Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) industry less than the maximum. This is influenced by several constraints such as investment costs, the burden of sewage, wastewater process technologies, social communities and government regulations on environmental management and dissemination of the benefits of the application of wastewater more than the investment costs WWTP.

From these explanation, one of solutions that can do to solve this problem is Indonesia should has environmental cost in environmental regulation for industrial company. Environmental cost should provided by percentage of purchase of product that can impact for environment and compulsory made by management. In addition, Environment and Forest Ministry better to provide subsidies or funding for the procurement of industrial waste treatment by Waste Water Treatment Plant equipment to help local companies manage the environment. This number of funding depends on total waste disposal of company and how good their environmental performance. So, from those concrete steps hopefully can accelerate the recovery of environmental pollution towards the growth of industry in Indonesia. 

[1] Laporan Kinerja Kementrian Perindustrian tahun 2015
[4] Admin.2011.Penerapan Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri di Indonesia Tidak Optimal .Jakarta :

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