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Learn New Languages

Diperbarui: 4 Oktober 2020   14:18

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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

Language.  We know it as a tool of communication.  Language has an important role for a person and society in interacting with their surroundings.  However, the existence of thousands different languages spoken in the world is certainly an obstacle which makes communicating with people in different countries with different languages, becomes hard to do.  That's why people are compelled to learn foreign languages.  And supported by the development of globalization, the ability to speak foreign languages has become a basic need.

The fact that must be faced is that learning a new language, especially at an older age, is not easy.  Each language has its own rules, writing, pronunciation, and working system.  These differences are often seen as a special charm, but we cant deny these differences also make someone give up and even hate learning a certain language.

Actually, in my opinion, no matter what language it is with all the differences and difficulties in it, there is no language that is impossible to learn.  A person's intentions, interests and goals are important drivers when learning a foreign language.  Those who do not have a particular interest or purpose, will definitely have struggle in learning it, regardless of their method and duration of learning.  But those who have it,  even possible to learn it only by self-taught.  Supported by technological developments where we can learn more easily and affordably through the internet, ebooks, videos, and even foreign language learning applications, certain interests and goals are enough as a basis for exploring foreign languages.

After all, despite the difficulties that exist and the intentions, interests and goals they have, many people finally decide to learn a foreign language.  The reasons are various reason, for example are parents' orders, awareness of the importance of foreign language skills today, hobbies, or because they realize all  the benefits they can receive for themselves by learning a foreign language.


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