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Spiritual Indonesia, one of the largest spirituality-based online communities in Indonesia, is to hold a convocation for members and friends with the following details.
TIME : Saturday, June 25 at 3:00pm - June 26 at 6:00am
LOCATION : Penginapan Tutwuri, Jl. Parangkusumo. Mancingan XI 2/22,
Parangtritis, Central Java, Indonesia GPRS 08S01'14 - 110E19'27
THEME : SESAJI BUMI NUSANTARA (Tribute to the Motherland)
Event highlights:
1. Mr Frans Hananto, an expert on Javanese rituals, will oversee the ritual offering to the South Seas or the Indian Ocean. Hananto will also have a session with participants to explain the symbols and meaning behind every ritual item used in the ritual. The ceremonial liturgy used is in line with the Javanese court tradition as practiced since the days of Panembahan Senopati, a 17th century Javanese Mataram king.
2. Mr Lilik Wysa and Tim Gendam Yogyakarta will hold a historical presentation and a live demonstration of ancient Javanese techniques of mind control and hypnosis, such as GENDAM, often employed by con artists for material gains.
3. Mr Abang Sihar Marojahan Panggabean will be presenting a new breakthrough in the Indonesian spiritual community. His presentation will deal with how to make a technical device capable of measuring and detecting energy field within the human body and within nature itself. Abang Sihar will also demonstrate how to use the device.