Title : Mobile-based Tajwid 1 Learning Media at the Gontor Entrance Guidance Institution with the Demonstration Method
Author : Muhammad Sirajuddin Mumtaz Dzaky, Dihin Muriyatmoko, Taufiqurrahman
Publisher : Procedia of Engineering and Life Science
Publication : Vol. 1 No 1 March 2021
On this opportunity, I'll be reviewing an article by Muhammad Sirajuddin Mumtaz Dzaky, Dihin Muriyatmoko and Taufiqurrahman, the title of this article is " Mobile-based Tajwid 1 Learning Media at the Gontor Entrance Guidance Institution with the Demonstration Method", was published by the Procedia of Engineering and Life Science on National Seminar & Call for Paper Faculty of Science and Technology (SENASAINS 1st) event. this article include four point : Introduction, method, result and Discussion, and conclusion.
This article is a result from analytics and research about the problem was happened at Gontor expecially, until them got a method of problem solving. The article explained a new invention method by demonstration method to learn tajwid 1 as prospective student who want to enter gontor have a difficult in learning. The purpose of this research is to facilitate learning media based on application version of Tajweed 1. This study uses a Software Development Life Cycle approach and applies a demonstration method to its content.
The Author's emphasize this application just for student who want to enter Gontor, the author should tell this application for general people who want to learn tajwid 1 specifically and easily.
Critical Analysis