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Dessy Franly

Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Maintaining Ornamental Fish: What are The Benefits in Human's Life?

Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2020   14:42

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We live together with animals in this world. There are so many animals that we can't mention one by one. So, one of that is Fish. All animals, included fish have contribution in this life, especially human's life. We call fish that usually human maintains at their house in aquarium as ornamental fish.

Usually people maintain ornamental fish just for decoration. But, it turns out that in human's life, ornamental fish is not only for decoration. Based on, there are many benefits of maintaining ornamental fish for human's life especially for the owner who live a life with dense and stressful activities (Ardyanto, 2020) such as (1) can help people to find peace and happiness; (2) can decrease in stress level; and (3) can give an impact on blood pressure that remains under control.

Beside of that, there are also many benefits of maintaining ornamental fish for human based on Omkar Pokharkar's research in his journal that published in (Ardyanto, 2020):

  1. Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease and Be Able to Live Longer in A Happy Condition.
  2. Stabilizing Blood Pressure and Lowering Anxiety
    Looking at an aquarium filled with ornamental fish is able to stabilize blood pressure which is of course will provide enormous health benefits for someone who does have a history of cardiovascular disorders.
    Watching fish swim in an aquarium with a variety of colors can also make our body more relaxed. This will be very useful for reducing anxiety levels and able to make our mind clearer.
  3. Beneficial for Alzheimer's or Dementia Patients
    Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that gradually destroys memory, thinking ability, and ultimately destroys the ability to perform various routine tasks. Aquarium filled with ornamental fish will be useful in inducing general sensory stimulation which helps increase the appetite of Alzheimer's sufferers, which of course will have an impact on increasing body weight, and staying mentally active.
  4. Generating A Sense of Happiness
    Maintaining ornamental fish can give a fresh taste and make you forget for a moment with the outside world. By looking at ornamental fish in the aquarium, the production of neurochemicals such as Endocannabinoids, which are compounds that make a sense of calm increases.
  5. Controlling Hyperactive Children
    By placing an aquarium filled with ornamental fish in the house, it can reduce the level of hyperactivity in these children and they will be more focused and calmer. The cause of the decreased hyperactivity levels in these children stems from the surge in GABA secretion from watching the fish swim which ultimately produces a sedative effect.
  6. Improve Eye Health
    By having an aquarium with various types of living plants and colorful ornamental fish, can help add a green area in the house that is useful for soothing the eyes and mind. Looking at an aquarium filled with colorful ornamental fish and greenery every day for at least 1 hour can significantly improve one's vision.

All the benefits are supported by what Laliberte in her article title, "9 Ways Pets Make You Smarter, Stronger, and More Resistant to Stress". There are 2 ways from 9 ways that are connected with benefits that have been previously conveyed, such as (1) pets make you less lonely; and (2) Pets provide major buffer against stress (Astuti, 2019).

So, with the benefits of maintaining ornamental fish, why don't you try to maintain ornamental fish at your house?


Ardyanto, F. (2020, June 23). 6 manfaat memelihara ikan hias, ini penjelasam ilmiahnya. Retrieved December 8, 2020, from

Publication of limited circulation, Unit 14- Animals

Astuti, R. A. V. N. P. (2019). English for FISIP. [Available from


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