Yogyakarta, 16 June 2024 – Islam, the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin, not only regulates human relationships with God, but also provides guidance in various aspects of life, including politics and culture. Understanding the relationship between the two is essential to building a just, moral and prosperous society.
Islamic Politics: Foundations of Justice and Prosperity
Politics in Islam is based on justice, deliberation and the welfare of the people. The concept of the caliphate, the collective leadership of Muslims, is the main basis for running a just and accountable government. Islam prohibits tyranny, corruption and oppression, and upholds human rights and the rule of law.
The history of Islam is decorated with stories of inspirational leadership that implemented Islamic political values brilliantly. Caliph Umar bin Khattab, for example, is known for his just and popular policies, as well as his concern for the welfare of the people. The era of his leadership became a clear example of the application of Islamic politics which brought peace and progress to mankind.
Islamic Culture: Fostering Morality and Civilization
Islamic culture is based on high moral and spiritual values. This culture emphasizes noble morals, mutual respect, and maintaining peace. Islam encourages the development of science, art and culture that are positive and beneficial to humanity.
Islam's contribution to world civilization cannot be denied. The development of science, art and architecture in the golden era of Islam is clear evidence of cultural progress driven by Islamic values. Muslim figures such as Ibnu Sina, Al-Khwarizmi, and Ibnu Rushd became scientific icons whose works are recognized worldwide and continue to inspire today.
Harmonious Combination of Politics and Culture: The Key to a Just and Moral Society
Politics and culture in Islam are closely related and cannot be separated. Islamic culture is the moral foundation for political practices that are just and have integrity. Islamic politics, on the other hand, plays a role in creating an environment conducive to the development of a positive and enlightening culture.
A harmonious combination of Islamic politics and culture is the key to building a just, moral and prosperous society. A society that upholds human values, upholds social justice, and continuously innovates for the progress of humanity.
Applying Islamic Politics and Culture in the Modern Era: Challenges and Hopes
Implementing Islamic politics and culture ideally in the modern era is not without challenges. Globalization, individualism and external cultural influences can erode the noble values of Islam. Continuous efforts are needed to strengthen Islamic education, preserve Islamic culture, and build leadership based on Islamic values.