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Dee Daveenaar

Digital Mom - Online Shop, Blogger, Financial Planner

Epoy and Her Wannabe New Car

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   12:28

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Now here we are at the lobby of our office as usual after those hectic working hours, Kendi and I were  sitting in those luxury two seats minimalist sofa while Epoy and Tony standing loose in front of us. Epoy just succeeding grab those huge portfolio and said that she ‘ll use her commision to buy car. "ah, good for you then, what kind of car?". "Honda Jazz," she is explaining. "Could you drive calmly as I noted you are such a clumsy woman? This is Jakarta, you always panic while we're in the car, " said Kendi. "I buy automatic car," said Epoy. "That double the risk anyway, you know that car which drop from parking area at Permata Hijau because the lady driver got panic and she stepped the drive pedal instead the brake pedal - and  suddenly she and her family become history." Kendi answer scaring Epoy while Tony and I only smile to each other. "Hei I was a good driver while I was in college." Epoy arguing. [caption id="attachment_287968" align="aligncenter" width="146" caption="jazz at permata hijau"][/caption] "Where is your car then?", Tony distracting from the subject of savvy driver. "Not yet coming, I am still waiting for credit procees." Epoy explain. Again Kendi got another subject to tease Epoy, "I think it's not wise to buy a new car with credit term also." Well now I agree so much with Kendi, " Yup Epoy, the minute you receive your brand new car that the minute your car become used car. And unlike house which value raise after years, the value of your car decrease every year."  "I think it's better to buy used car," Tony added. Using credit system to buy's not suit toward our income as we receive  monthly commission six months or one year onward, if everything all right, next year you still receive your commission but supposed your client withdraw their portfolio, you're losing ability to pay your liability unless you took 6 months up to 12 months scheme installment, Tony continued his lecture."Remember, with the scheme of our income could make Dendi bought that hotel but you should remember there are plenty of us who's still striving for their best." "I have calculating everything...I think I could notice if my clients intend to withdrawn their portfolio so I could replace with others before," Epoy answer. Then Kendi remind her, "I remember how frustrated you are  when most of your clients withdrawn their portfolio." Tony and I agree no more with Kendi...and Epoy seems quite for a while...may be she is rethinking her ambition to buy new car with installment method. ----------------- A Note: just try to use English as writing language...phuih it is such difficult for this level IV LIA student


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