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Citra Aprianty

PNS DKI Jakarta - Mahasiswa Doktoral Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Strategy To Improve The Quality Of Human Resources With Global Competitiveness Toward Jakarta As A Global City

Diperbarui: 26 Desember 2024   22:13

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Analisis Cerita Pemilih. Sumber ilustrasi: LOTULUNG


Citra Aprianty1, Usep Suhud2, Hamidah3

1 Doctoral Student at Universitas Negeri Jakarta

2,3 Professor at Universitas Negeri Jakarta


*Corresponding Author: Citra Aprianty1



The Importance Of Human Resource (Hr) Quality In Achieving Global City Status.

The quality of Human Resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in positioning cities as global hubs of innovation, governance, and economic activity. High-quality HR ensures that cities remain competitive in attracting global investments, fostering innovation, and maintaining sustainable development. For instance, a study by Greutter-Gregus & ZG Greutter (2024) highlights the intersection of smart city development and HR competencies, emphasizing the need for HR systems that adapt to evolving urban challenges. This adaptation allows cities to integrate technology with human capital effectively.

Similarly, Nazimi et al. (2022) identify critical factors that affect HR performance in digital city contexts, suggesting that strategic HR management is indispensable for aligning workforce skills with global urban goals. Furthermore, Stankovi et al. (2021) in their work on urban magnetism argue that quality HR underpins population growth and global city attractiveness, noting the interplay between workforce skills and urban functional development (Link to study).

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