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The Wrong Indonesian Preception of Lunar New Year!

Diperbarui: 27 Januari 2019   13:47

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"Everyone is equal" seem not easy to say in Indonesia when the tolerance in that country nowadays is being apprehensive. It can be seen by the appeal of Forum Muslim Bogor who forbid Lunar New Year for Muslims in that city dan suggest the government of Bogor not to facilitate the celebration of Lunar New Year.

Are they forbid Lunar New Year because they are Muslims? Or they forbid Lunar New Year because it's a 'Chinese' new year?

First, the legend about Chinese New Year is about a dragon named Nian which mean 'year' in Chinese. Nian attacked a village at the end of every winter and make the villagers hid inside the house because they know Nian will return. But one year, the villagers built a bonfire. The fire has the red light and its crackle and his scared way the dragon. That's why people hang red signs, blow noisemakers ad set off firecrackers on the Chinese New Year.

The traditions of the Chinese New Year is symbols for luckiness and happiness. That's why the parade of dragon dance is very epic in every celebration because in Chinese dragon symbolizes long life and prosperity.

Chinese New Years is like other traditions in Indonesia and it's not religious activity at all. However, not related to comparing Chinese as a religion. Konghuchu is a religion, but Chinese is people as Indonesian. We are the same. So what is the reason Indonesian Muslims especially Bogor's to forbid for Lunar New Year?

Secondly, it's not Soeharto regime when the Indonesian government perpetuates and encourages or simmers down the discrimination of Chinese. As we know, the term 'anti-Chinese' and 'pribumi' long ago deleted after Instruksi Presiden No. 26/1998 and UU. No. 40/2008 about Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis. With these regulations, many people hope that the Chinese have equal rights as Indonesian, but the fact is a ghost from the past always hunt until the present. We are bear the sins of past and Indonesia still have anti-Chinese sentiments after 20 years reformation. So old and embarrassing behavior!

So what we can do?

Let Lunar New Year just being a Chinese New Year without religion intervention. And also, Chinese in Indonesia is still Indonesia tho!

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