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Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   09:45

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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

I realize that I change all of my life this time... my behavior, my activities, etc. there is some reason, why I did that things...haha. I can't explain it detail, but, I just want to write something in my mind right now related to this condition..

maybe I am extrovert person and semi introvert, but I don't wanna try to be famous..trying to be famous?? ihh sounds ridiculous and embarrassed for me..=___=
so I leave everything that's inappropriate with me, then I trying to be my self...
this is my decision... Life always have a choice...
and this is my life...

what's the thing that inappropriate with me..??

--> be a member of student executive board in my campus..

reason : I saw some hypocrite at there,hypocrite here is mean, a people that they recognize wants to be a member and be loyal to their organization but the fact, they just want to be famous...

...then I know they have a big Vision and Mission to make my campus better, but I guess they make it just a Beautiful dream, and they didn't know how the way to make it true... pathetic, right? errr... I know, why it could be like this, they just thinking : make a big event in other, every people could see it... but the fact that event was really.really bored... I know it useful, but's weird.

so I choose to get out from that organization...

maybe some people saw me that I get decreased ability on organization...but the fact isn't like that,,, I just boring with whole of this things...whatever what they want to think about me... I don't care..haha..

This is my new book of life, with the scent paper, that I'll fill with my new story...

then I begin to make a plan of my new life...

- I want to be a business woman... trying to open some online store..

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