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Berikut adalah modul ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 | lesson ke-2 | dengan alokasi waktu 2 x 40 menit. Topik yang dibawakan adalah Friends, dengan materi pokok vocabulary. Family Trip
Topik: Friends
Day 2 | Week 1 | Lesson 2 | Semester 1 | Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024
Materi pokok: Vocabulary
Tujuan pembelajaran: Students know the meaning of the words. Family Trip
Kegiatan awal (10 minutes):
- Greeting
- Check students' attendance
- Penyampaian today's goal: I know the meaning of some words about friends
Kegiatan inti:
Listening the poem - My Friends (10 minutes)
- Book closed! Students listen to the poem titled My Friends.
- Then, invite the students to read together as they listen.
Discussion (40 minutes)
- Divide students into 7 groups
- Ask them to find the meaning of words: fabulous |respectful | important | extraordinary | non-judgmental | dependable | special
- Each group get one word and they will discuss it with the group of friends.
- Then they share their ideas with the class with some examples.
- Then ask them: 'Can you think of other words to describe your friends?'
Exercise: Mix and Match (Vocabulary about Friends) (15 minutes)
Each sentence on the right demonstrates the meaning of the words on the left. But they are mixed up. Ask students to match each word to each word to the correct sentence.