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Discourse Analysis

The Dangers of Cyberbullying For Teenagers

Diperbarui: 30 Desember 2021   09:55

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

The development of social media today is very fast and increasingly varied. Teenagers and adults are very fond of social media. They share photos, writings, and even videos of their personal lives without realizing that there are lots of opportunities for crime that will arise if we upload too many details of our lives on social media. social media. Social media is like a double-edged sword; one side is useful, and the other side, if used in the wrong way, can have a negative impact on a person's psyche and mentality.

According to UNICEF.ORG, cyber bullying is bullying/bullying using digital technology. This can happen on social media, chat platforms, gaming platforms, and mobile phones. For example, when a teenager uploads a video about his activity, he gets comments that bring him down mentally. Words that should be a soft greeting, turn into insults or insults.

Cyber bullying is repetitive behavior intended to frighten, anger, or humiliate those who are being targeted. Examples include: spreading lies about someone or posting embarrassing photos of someone on social media. send hurtful messages or threats via chat platforms, write hurtful words in the comments on social media, or post something embarrassing or hurtful. Other negative consequences of cyber bullying include difficulty concentrating, increased anxiety, depression, sleep disruptions, avoiding or quitting school, and even suicidal thoughts.

According to the author himself, there are several ways to deal with cyber bullying, especially on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook platforms.

1. Determine your motivation for creating a social media account. as a business medium or just for self-existence. You must understand that personal and business matters are distinctly different. Although many personal accounts can now generate profits with endorsements and advertising facilities.

2. Limit the number of your friends, and make sure you know the people who follow you on social media well.

3. If there are other people who follow you on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, without displaying your profile picture or photo and name, It's best if you ignore the friend request.

4. You have to make settings and limit the number of comments. We can even turn off all comments after we upload a photo or video.

5. Ignore it if you receive bad comments or ridicule from friends you really know well in real friendships. Because it could be that the intention of the comment was just a joke or a joke.

6. Understand each social media platform's policy and user.Because every platform has different rules for its users.

The author only thinks in terms of what he has experienced. It may seem easy to some people, or even difficult to implement. We, as social media users, must realize that everyone is free to have an opinion and that we also have the right to not care about what they have to say. Because real friends are in the real world, not on social media.

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