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Different Philosophies of Science and Religion

Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2019   16:05

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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

Philosophy approaches the truth by pouring (expressing or disregarding) the intellect radically (entrenched) and integral, as well as universal (experience), not feeling bound by any bond, except by the binding of his own hands called logic. Science seeks truth by inquiry (research, research), experience (empirical), and experimentation (experiment) as a touchstone.  Humans seek and find truth with and in religion by questioning (seeking answers to) various human problems from or to the scriptures, codifying the divine word for humans

There is a difference between science, philosophy, and religion where science and philosophy come from human reason or reason, while religion is from God's revelation. Science seeks truth by inquiry (research), experience (empirical), and experimentation (experimentation). Philosophy discovers truth or policy by means of reason, or ratio that is carried out in depth, comprehensively, and universally. The truth obtained or discovered by philosophy is purely the result of human thought (logic), by way of contemplation (thinking) that is deep (logic) about the nature of something (metaphysics). Religion teaches the truth or gives answers to various human rights through revelation or scripture in the form of God's word. The truth that is obtained through science, by means of the investigation is positive truth, that is truth or theory that is more powerful theorem or reason. Philosophical truth is speculative truth, in the form of conjectures that cannot be proven empirically, research and experimentation. Both the truth of science and the truth of philosophy, both relative (relative), while the truth of religion is absolute (absolute), because the teachings of religion are the most true revelation, the absolute absolute.


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