Penulis: Erni Vida Aina (NPM 2434171009) dan Darwin H. Pangaribuan (NIDN 0013016302), Mahasiswa Pascasarjana dan Dosen Jurusan Agronomi Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung
"Fulfillment of food consumption must prioritize domestic production by optimally utilizing local resources and wisdom"
According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18/2012 on Food, “The implementation of food is carried out to fulfill basic human needs that provide benefits in a fair, equitable and sustainable manner based on food sovereignty, food independence, and food security.
It means that to fulfill the food consumption needs of the community up to the individual level, the state has the freedom to determine its food policy independently, which cannot be dictated by any party, and food business actors have the freedom to determine and implement their business by their resources.
Fulfillment of food consumption must prioritize domestic production by optimally utilizing local resources and wisdom. To realize this, three main things that must be considered are (i) food availability based on optimal utilization of local resources, (ii) food affordability from physical and economic aspects by the entire community, and (iii) food utilization or consumption of food and nutrition for a healthy, active and productive life."[1].
Based on the law, “food security is a condition of food fulfillment for the state to individuals, which is reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, equitable, and affordable and does not conflict with religion, beliefs, and culture, the community to be able to live healthy, active, and productive lives sustainably.”[2] Food sovereignty is the right of the state to ensure food security.
Food sovereignty is the right of states and nations to independently determine food policies that guarantee the right to food for the people and that provide the right for communities to determine food systems by the potential of local resources”.
In the 1970s, food security first emerged as a response to international food crises, particularly food shortages caused by instability in food production and distribution around the world. For now, ensuring food availability both domestically and abroad is a top priority.
At the first World Food Conference held by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1974, the term “food security” was officially used. One of the outcomes of the conference was to ensure that “all people, at all times, have access to sufficient food both physically and economically to meet their nutritional needs for an active and healthy life”.
In 1983, FAO added a component on food price and supply stability. In 1996, at the World Food Summit in Rome, FAO formulated a formal definition of food security, which is still used today: “All people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food.” Since then, FAO has determined that food security consists of four main aspects: availability, access, utilization, and stability.
Members of the international peasant organization Via Campesina first used the term “food sovereignty” in 1996. At the 2007 Food Sovereignty Forum in Sélingué, Mali, the “Nyéléni Declaration” was adopted by 500 delegates from more than 80 countries.
Part of the declaration's content is: “Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through environmentally sound and sustainable methods, and their right to determine their own food and agricultural systems."[2]