Preliminary remarks:
- This passage is entirely based on my opinion and experience. It is neither a reliable source of knowledge nor an ideal model. So, please do not take it for granted. :)
- If you just happen to pass by, you're welcome to read it; maybe you can get something from it. And if by some miracle you can survive to the last sentence, please consider to write comments upon this. Any comment will be appreciated.
Most of us don't really get what we want in life. All we do is just compromising the gap between the two realms. I am, however, fully aware that some people are lavishly gifted with the so called 'perfect life'. Or at least they think they are. While it may sound negative and unpopular, ask yourself a question. Are you one of those remarkable people? If you think you are, then you can stop reading this. This is not for you.
Part 1: Generic insight
I, normally, am a positive person, being a person of what everybody is expecting (I'd love to consider so). But every now and then, I had those periods of having gloomy mood that had got me to think of these thoughts. The thoughts that had me realized of how everybody (or almost everybody) is trying to impersonate his/her role in life and avoiding the hardest on looking depressive out of it. Aren't you? If you would search deeply and honestly answer the question, I really think I would come across plenty of 'yes' answers. Well, if so, congratulations..! It reflects that you are a perfectly normal and responsible person (if not to say ‘responsible grown up'). On the contrary, I would really be concerned if you had answered otherwise to my question. You are recommended to seek help in that case.
I do believe that many of us (I actually tend to say 'all of us') are not fully entitled to determine the course of our lives. There will always be ‘the Divine Intervention’, I would say. Mostly, all we mortals can do is simply making continuous adjustments to the given path and trying to score the highest we possibly can until an intersection comes along. Once we get there, we must wisely decide which path to take. Whatever the outcome is, no one has ever sincerely been satisfied with whatever achievements he/she had accomplished. Everyone is always in needing of others’ acknowledgements. You don’t believe me, do you? Let me explain it this way. If you join any forum, either actual or virtual, scheme your profile you’ve made on it and see if it seems like you are marketing yourself to others. When it does, then you will know that I was right all along. And what does that tell you? The justification is that you wouldn’t feel necessary to make the impressions you are trying to create if you really believe you already have your ‘perfect life’, would you? And I would not believe if someone claims not making positive impressions on the profile. That would sound quite a paradox.
So, what is the essence of all those jargon above? The point is that every one of us has a two-sided life. One is where we put our senses in reality, living our given paths and reaching our purposes or whatever valued to us; this refers more to the future. The other is where we lay our wilder dreams, imaginations, unfulfilled wishes, and sometimes the memory of the past. These future and past things don't often meet in an alignment, unfortunately, and, most of the time, are in the conflict of interests. That is exactly why we say life is always ironical, isn't it? But, what I'm trying to emphasize here is that we cannot neglect either side. Both are important.
Part 2: Two sides of a coin
“Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness ....” - William Shakespeare, ‘Twelfth Night’, (Act II, scene v)