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Although the intention of Do not Hurt

Diperbarui: 10 Februari 2016   13:27

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Although the intention of Do not Hurt

Indeed, sooner or later everything will be swept away by time,
needless to revenge, revenge will only create a wall

However, be careful to act so as not to injure others! Because the pain was painful and difficult to treat.
Like the glass is already broken can not be put back together.
No one wants to hurt, both physically and speech and even thought.
As you grow and go through life, you will learn to forgive.

With so until the end of life;
we will not regret in this life, because we have done the best for themselves and others.

Life being yourself what it is and unpretentious way of life chosen by themselves in achieving good dreams for himself and beneficial to others.
When kehidupn be affecting other people, do it with full totality

What to plant, so shall you reap.
Who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind

We wish all of our dreams come true and sweet fruit

Niat Sekalipun Jangan Menyakiti

Memang cepat atau lambat semuanya akan tersapu oleh waktu,
tak perlu dendam, dendam hanya akan menciptakan tembok

Namun, berhati-hatilah dalam bertindak agar tidak melukai orang lain! Karena rasa sakit hati itu pedih dan sulit diobati.
Ibarat gelas yang sudah pecah tak bisa disatukan kembali.
Tidak ada yang mau dilukai, baik secara fisik maupun ucapan bahkan pikiran.
Seiring Anda bertumbuh dan menjalani kehidupan ini, Anda akan belajar untuk memaafkan.

Dengan begitu hingga akhir hayat,
kita tidak akan menyesal dalam menjalani hidup ini, karena kita sudah melakukan yang terbaik bagi diri dan yang lain.

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