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Tropical Fruit in Indonesia, A Tourist Magnet

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:24

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sbr gbr: frederic patenaude

Orotina, called the “fruit capital of Costa Rica.” But actually Indonesia has more kinds of fruit that doesn't well exposed. Although not popular, we, Indonesian has huge potential to be a center of the world. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="426" caption="Jambu monyet (cashew fruit).credit: frederic patenaude"][/caption] Cashew Fruit, not as popular as cashew nut, but the fruit has a delicious, refreshing juice and a unique flavor. This fruit also contains vitamin C more than oranges and mango. So very tasty experience! You can found so many cashhew fruit in Mataram, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Jogjakarta [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="160" caption="Manggis(mangosteen). credit:artikelterbaru"][/caption] Number two is mangosteen,locally called "manggis" excellent export, but now seldom to be seen. Malang, Padang, and Palembang has a large  orchard for this sour and sweet tasted fruit. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="254" caption="Pepaya(papaya)"]


[/caption] Papaya,,,this fruit same as mango,can be found almost everywhere in Indonesia. Sweet tastes and contain much vitamin too..and..very cheap, only 1000 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="233" caption="Soursop (sirsak)"]

Soursop (sirsak)

[/caption] Soursop,, Korean friend and Western people like this so much, and so do I.  I like it blended in a pudding or juice!It is very sweet, little sour, and juicy.  I still can imagine it now :) [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Pineapple (nanas)"][/caption] Next is Pineapple, this fruit is best mixed with fried rice, can also be a fresh juice! Taste sweet and little sour like another tropical fruit, one of my favorite. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="257" caption="Mango (mangga)"]

Mango (mangga)

[/caption] Mango, this fruit is really sweet, and very delicious. Mango season usually between September-November. one kilos only Rp. 6000,- (0.6 US $) so cheap as well as  sweet.. This is only a few list of some tasty tropical fruit in Indonesia.. You want to suggest me more? Thanks ^^ i remember breadfruit,  durian, starfruit, guava, roseapple, raspberry, i will write later..


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