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Latihan Menulis Essay di IELTS Task 2

Diperbarui: 14 Juli 2015   14:18

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apa kabar para pengguna dunia maya...

pada kesempatan kali ini saya memosting tentang WRITING CLASS for IELTS, yakni bagaimana menulis di task 2. Selama mengikuti pelatihan di Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UGM - Yogyakarta, saya diberi semacam tugas 'mini test' untuk persiapan tes IELTS. Kebetulan satu kelas 'dosen-dosen' yang berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi mendapatkan tugas untuk menulis sebuah 'essay' dengan topik. "Universities should be concerned with educating people so that will have wide general knowledge and be able to consider important matters from an informed viewpoint, and not simply train students to do the jobs required by society."

Tulisan saya kebetulan dijadikan sample oleh Instruktur untuk dikoreksi bareng-bareng satu kelas untuk diperbaiki beberapa [hehehe...banyak sih] kesalahan baik mengenai penggunaan koma, verbs (to be), agreement, plural, singular, dll. Akhirnya, setelah dikoreksi bareng-bareng kurang lebihnya seperti di bawah ini hasilnya. Ini pengalaman saya menulis dalam bahasa Inggris setelah mengikuti pelatihan..... Semoga bermanfaat.


In this essay I would like to explain about universities should be concerned with educating people. There are a lot of universities that received the new students every year. The universities should give knowledge to their students and hopefully they will have general knowledge and also be able to consider important matters. In this case, there are three reasons to answer that statement such as need assessment of the company, stock quality of human resources and satisfaction of the job.

For example the first reason is that need assessment of the company. The universities have any subjects. Every subject should be focused on skill of the students because the most important thing is building abilities of the students. After their abilities are built, the next step is the development of vocational. When the students have strong ability, I am sure that they are ready to become employees who are suitable with their competence in the company. 

Another reason is that university should be aware of the quality of the human resources. Many companies need to improve the quality a good human resource. It is a part of responsibility of the universities to educate their students, not only making them a good resource but also making them has a lot of experiences and knowledge. 

The last reason is satisfaction of the job. Every people or employee needs satisfaction from their job for example high salary, health insurance, etc. Besides, the universities should be concerned with educating people, but the companies also have responsibilities to provide more satisfaction for their labors. It can be better when the universities and the companies have a good cooperation and establish a good relationship. 

In summary, the universities should be provided a good human resource from their graduates. Meanwhile the companies also have a good place/position for new labor.

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