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Siti Maharani Salsabilla

English Department Student

The Positive Sides of Online Learning You Should Know!

Diperbarui: 26 Februari 2021   00:46

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After the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia in March 2020, the government has issued a policy in education, namely eliminating direct face-to-face learning for a while and replacing it with online learning, both at the primary school, middle school, and college levels.

The use of information technology is expected to be able to overcome the teaching and learning process so that it continues to run well even though it is during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Every policy must have pros and cons, especially this online learning. Not a few students have complained about this online learning. However, that does not mean that online learning always causes negative things. There are several positive sides that can be felt by students during this online learning.

The first positive thing that is felt by students during online learning is reduced financial costs, thus making students save more their money. Online learning is much more affordable than face-to-face learning. 

This is because with this online learning, students do not need to pay for costs such as transportation, student meals, and it is very helpful for students from outside the city who live in boarding houses so that they do not have to pay for a boarding house. In addition, all learning materials are available online, so students do not need to use a lot of paper which is more affordable, as well as beneficial for the environment.

Another positive side of online learning that can be felt by students is that online learning is more flexible. This allows students to attend class from any location at any time. This also allows students to reach a wider network so that student learning is not distracted by signals. In addition, online learning can also train students to learn independently. 

During this online learning students are required to study on themselves without full supervision by the teacher or lecturer as usual in class. Students can find information and learning materials that are interest for them so that the learning process doesn't feel monotonous. 

Students who are accustomed to studying on themselves will usually absorb more knowledge than students who only depend on the teacher's explanation. Therefore, students not only make teachers and books at school or campus as a place to find information, but information sources on the internet will become a wider source of learning for them.

The last positive side of online learning is that it makes Indonesian education more advanced and people will get used to using increasingly modern technology. 

As we know, there are still a lot of schools in Indonesia that do not use technology in the learning and teaching process. Therefore, there are so many students and teachers who are still unable and understanding in using technology. With an online learning system like this, students and teachers can learn to take advantage of existing technology. 

Students and teachers become more adept at operating technology and are more creative in seeking instant information and communication. Thus, the Indonesian people no longer feel stuttering in terms of technology and are even more accustomed to using technology, especially in the field of education.

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