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Fadiyah QalbuniyahBalafif

Mahasiswa S1 Hubungan Internasional UMY

Renewal of Islamic Political Thought in the Context of Contemporary Politics

Diperbarui: 1 Juli 2024   21:53

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Islamic political thought has undergone a substantial transformation in response to the increasingly complex dynamics of global politics today. This article aims to deepen understanding of the evolution, challenges, responses, and contributions of scholars and philosophers related to Islamic political thought in the contemporary era.

The Evolution of Islamic Political Thought: From Traditionalist to Inclusive Approach

Islamic political thought initially emerged as a reaction to colonialism and modernity in the 19th and 20th centuries, with the main focus on restoring Islamic identity and values in a political context. Over time, however, it has evolved into a more complex and inclusive discourse. Professor Azyumardi Azra, in his book entitled Islamic Political Thought: History and Development (2006), outlines that Islamic political thought has not only evolved as a political movement, but also as an intellectual school of thought that continues to change to accommodate the dynamics of the times.

Global Challenges and the Response of Islamic Political Thought

In the context of expanding globalization and growing cultural pluralism, Islamic political thought is faced with complex challenges. Dr. Farid Esack, a Muslim theologian and social activist, highlighted in an interview with Al Jazeera (2019) that Islam needs to develop approaches that are responsive to multicultural global realities. Discussions on how Islamic political thought can integrate universal values such as democracy, human rights and social justice within an Islamic framework are becoming increasingly important in this diverse global political context.

Innovations in Islamic Political Theory: The Concept of Wasatiyyah and Beyond

In response to these challenges, Islamic political thought has produced innovations in its political theory. The concept of wasatiyyah (moderation), popularized by some contemporary Islamic thinkers such as Professor Abdullah Saeed, offers a balanced approach between progressive political engagement and fundamental Islamic principles. In his book Islam and Political Reform in Saudi Arabia: The Quest for Political Change and Reform (2015), Abdullah Saeed asserts that this adaptation is essential for building an inclusive political system and promoting social harmony in an increasingly globalized society.

Scholarly Contributions and Philosophical Perspectives

Islamic political thought is also enriched by contributions from various scholars and philosophers who explore universal values within an Islamic framework. Professor Tariq Ramadan, in his work Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation (2009), emphasizes the need for critical reinterpretation of Islamic intellectual heritage to present a more just and sustainable political alternative. Ramadan encourages Islamic political thought to utilize the deep ethical concepts of Islam to respond to global challenges such as poverty, injustice and climate change.

Conclusion: Building Relevant and Progressive Islamic Political Thought

The renewal of Islamic political thought in today's political context is not only a response to global change, but also an attempt to build inclusive and harmonious solutions in an increasingly complex global politics. This article invites readers to consider the complex dynamics of Islamic political thought today, as well as to reflect on its important role in shaping a sustainable politics that accommodates global diversity.

By taking into account the evolution, challenges, responses, as well as contributions from various perspectives, this article hopes to provide a deep insight into how Islamic political thought continues to evolve and adapt in the ever-changing contemporary era. Thus, Islamic political thought can be a source of inspiration and solutions in responding to the complexity of global politics today.


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