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Angie...Nasibmu Sudah Diprediksi Sejak 1973...

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   19:36

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Drama sang Anggota DPR plus Mantan Putri Kecantikan itu kian ditunggu di Sidang pengadilan... Namun, tahukah anda kalo Nasib beliau telah diprediksi dengan TEPAT dan BENAR oleh The Rolling Stones di tahun 1973 dalam album Goats Head Soup? Simak Lyric lagu ini Angie, Angie, when will those clouds all disappear? Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here? With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats, You can't say we're satisfied But Angie, Angie, you can't say we never tried Angie, you're beautiful, but ain't it time we said goodbye? Angie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried? All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke Let me whisper in your ear; "Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?" Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet I hate that sadness in your eyes But Angie, Angie, ain't it time we said goodbye? (Oh, yes) With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats you can't say we're satisfied, but Angie, I still love you Baby, ev'rywhere I look I see your eyes There ain't a woman that comes close to you, come on, baby, dry your eyes But Angie, Angie, ain't it good to be alive? Angie, Angie, they can't say we never tried" Kita lihat yang bercetak tebal.. 1. when will those clouds all disappear? Kapankah awan kelabu ini hilang, Angie? Mungkin inilah pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh anak-anak sanak keluarga sang Angie 2. You can't say we're satisfied Kau tak pernah bilang KAMI PUAS Inilah ungkapan para PETINGGI DEMOKRAT yang tak pernah PUAS Puas dengan Materi atau Omong berapi-api di media demi membela diri 3. Angie, you're beautiful, but ain't it time we said goodbye? Angie Kamu itu cantikkkkk banget, tapi bukankah saatnya kita berpisah? Ya itulah permintaan Orang-orang Demokrat yang ingin CUCI TANGAN..... 4. All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke Ini dia kata SEMUA orang Demokrat termasuk RI Satu "Semua Impian yang kita genggam....semua hilang" ...... Nahhhh loooo Untung Rolling Stone udah gak Nyiptain lagu lagi Kalo ya?? Bisa-bisa RI Satu lengser sekarang juga....wakakkakakaka ................. Poentjak Goenoeng, 16-2-2012 .....................


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