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Bagus Azam Noor

Mahasiswa Sosiologi UIN Syekh Wasil

Who Cares for His Peoples

Diperbarui: 28 Desember 2023   04:32

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

The current generation is very comfortable, everything is available and easy to access. easy internet access, easy access to health, easy access to education, guaranteed basic and supporting facilities but the current generation has forgotten the meaning of difficulty, they have forgotten the meaning of struggle.

This generation must immediately wake up and move on
the cycle of world civilization remains in its pattern
A strong nation will conquer a weak nation
Even though the media says that colonialism in the world is gone, that reality is just an illusion
all nations will continue to compete to conquer and dominate each other
this is the law of the world
If a generation of a nation doesn't understand this, be prepared for that nation to be destroyed.

The Chinese nation is slowly starting to rival the powerful nation of the United States
China has dominated various areas of life on the map of modern civilization
they educate their people well and with discipline
they initiated high technology, modern agricultural techniques, the automotive industry, the food and beverage industry, the war industry and hegemony many countries with their new power.

if our nation only consumes their products, we will always be their satellite and tail country
let's be aware and instill the spirit of revolution
be angry with oppression and evil so that you long for happiness
Great nations are always aware and reject intimidation and dictation.


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