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Azkiya Laili


Journal Review Result - 3 Dimensional Visualization for Adaptive Building Construction Masterplan in University of Darussalam Gontor Area

Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2024   12:55

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Reviewer : Azkiya Laili Fauziyana

Dosen Pengampu : Al-Ustadz Taufiqurrahman, S.Pd., M.T., PCQI.


Universitas Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA Gontor) requires adaptive technology solutions to address weaknesses in its campus physical development master plan, such as vulnerability to damage and difficulty in updating prototypes. This study aims to design a 3D model of buildings in the UNIDA Gontor area that is easily accessible and dynamic, using a waterfall model with the following stages: (1) Needs, (2) Design, (3) Implementation, (4) Verification, and (5) Maintenance.


The 3D visualization product of the Master Plan of the University of Darussalam Gontor Building has met user needs, with an average score of 88.12% from the facility and infrastructure staff questionnaire. This 3D model is in accordance with the original building model and functions well through black box testing. It is expected that this model can help development and infrastructure planning at UNIDA Gontor more adaptively and dynamically and is easy to use anywhere.


This paper discusses the use of 3D models for infrastructure design at Universitas Darussalam Gontor, replacing physical blueprints with more adaptive digital solutions. Using the waterfall model and Blender software, testing showed high success and user satisfaction. Two maintenance sessions corrected errors and added details, emphasizing the importance of continuous maintenance. The 3D model supports more dynamic infrastructure planning.

Personal Opinion

This journal presents a well-executed study with practical implications for university infrastructure planning. Its innovative approach, combined with a strong focus on user needs and comprehensive testing, makes it a valuable contribution to the field. Future research can build on this foundation by incorporating more flexible methodologies and exploring advanced features to enhance the utility and scalability of 3D modeling in infrastructure planning.


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