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Azkiya Laili


Journal Review Result - Mobile based Tajwid 1 Learning Media at the Gontor Extrance Guidance Institution with the Demonstration Method

Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2024   11:32

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Reviewer : Azkiya Laili Fauziyana

Dosen Pengampu : Al-Ustadz Taufiqurrahman, S.Pd., M.T., PCQI.


In today's digital era, technology is increasingly used as an educational tool, including in learning Tajwid---the science of reading the Qur'an correctly. Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (PMDG) faces challenges in providing Tajwid learning facilities, especially for students who are far from the boarding school. This study aims to develop and test a mobile application as a Tajwid learning medium, expected to be a solution to the limitations of traditional learning facilities.


This study uses the SDLC method to develop a mobile application, which is tested with Blackbox Testing to ensure functionality across devices. The test results show that the application works effectively across screen sizes, provides a good learning experience, and helps students understand and practice Tajweed correctly. This application is designed to meet the needs of prospective PMDG students who have difficulty accessing conventional Tajweed learning resources.


This journal aims to develop and test a mobile application for learning Tajwid at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor. Using the SDLC method and Blackbox testing, this application is effective in learning Tajwid and overcomes the constraints of traditional methods, especially in accessibility.

Personal Opinion

This journal is interesting because it combines technology with Islamic education, especially in Tajweed learning. The development of mobile applications is relevant in the digital era and has the potential to increase learning accessibility. However, the study could be stronger with wider trials and user feedback to ensure the effectiveness of the application. Overall, this journal makes a positive contribution but there is still room for improvement.


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