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Globalization and Islam

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   02:15

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The term “Globalization” has generated a variety of definitions; it can be described as internationalization, liberalization, universalization, and Westernization. The majority Muslim scholars consider globalization as an old phenomenon that has been in process since the dawn of history, and is currently in the most rapid phase of its development. From the very beginning of its manifestation in Arabia, Islam presented itself as a global and universal religion. More than one verse in the Qur’an states that the message of Islam is universal, and addresses the humanity of all races. Prophet Muhammad also emphasized this universal dimension in a tradition that said there is no difference between an Arab, a Persian, an Ethiopian, a black or a white except how pious and good one can be. Following the rapid territorial expansion of the Islamic state and the spread of Islam as a global religion, Islamic civilization entered a new phase of “globalism,” based on interaction with other civilizations.

However, by the 17th century, Islamic civilization had begun to lose some of its global dynamics and the Ottoman caliphate, then the supreme institution of governance in the Muslim World entered upon a long process of territorial disintegration that lasted over 200 years. Meanwhile, European civilization spread over the globe equipped with the new powers of science and industry colonized and expanded throughout the globe. With the rise of the United States in the 20th century, the term “Western” came into use. By the mid 20th century, it was normal to speak of developed parts of the earth, alongside which others were seen as developing or less developed. At this point, the term “Third World” was born without any specific geographical identity except that it meant outside the orbit of Western countries and the Soviet Union. The Muslim countries sadly were accommodated within the frame of the Third World on the criterion of their poverty, weakness and backwardness.

As the result, Muslims imitate the western lifestyle and ideology. Gradually, we are moving farther from Islam. In addition, we face many internal challenges such as Islamic radical and liberal ideology, political clash in or between Muslim countries and many more. The Muslims are not behaving as true representatives of Islam, individually or collectively. Economically, the majority of Muslim World is poor and dependent on the West. Politically, it is divided like nine pins. Culturally, it seems to be in a melting pot. In the field of education, research and technological development, it is behind the rest of the world.

The combined GDP of all the 57 Muslim countries of the world is less than ten percent of the world GDP (data from 2012 Organization of Islamic Conference), although it is predicted to increase, it is still prone to crisis and fluctuation. The bulk of Muslim financial resources are in the hands of and under the management of American and European banks and investment and management houses. Muslim countries have developed a consumer economy without a sustainable production base. Despite all of their wealth and resources, almost all the Muslim countries are suffering under foreign and domestic debt, in a few cases, with frightening consequences. Militarily, the Muslims are not only dependent on the West; we are helplessly caught in its grip. Despite all the expenditure on defense, we have not been able to even face the threat that has been hammering at the doors of the Arab and Muslim World for over 50 years in the form of the “tiny,” yet armed-to-the-teeth entity of Israel.

The state of political freedoms, the level of participation of the people in the economy, and the equitable sharing of wealth and power within Muslim societies is in very bad shape. And unless we set their houses in order, it is unrealistic to expect that Islam and the Muslim ummah can play their rightful role in the current phase of globalization.

To overcome this challenge, first and foremost Muslims have to make serious efforts towards reforming and reconstructing individual lives and societies in accordance with the values and principles of Islam. Muslims also need to convince the world in general and the West in particular that Islam is not a fanatic faith but is essentially a peaceful religion that bases its vision on the revealed text and its human ethics and on a positive interaction with other civilizations.

Muslims should combine dzikr and fikr, whatever we do or think better be remembrance to Allah or as Ibadah. Also, Muslims must improve their knowledge, character, moral, economic strength, political power, military capability, technological competence, and social cohesion. Without setting our own house in order and mobilizing all the resources at hand to prepare to play the rightful role in the world, nothing can be achieved. The Muslim ummah have to play a positive role both to protect their identity and interests, and to make the world a better place for all.

Finally, Muslims must realize that emotional outbursts and thoughtless confrontation are no answers to the multidimensional challenges the ummah faces today. In fact, as an ummah with a mission, the right course of action for the Muslims is dialogue, contact, participation, and cooperation at the global level. Furthermore, the greatest weapon all Muslims have is the du’a. We do not need guns, rockets or missiles, we just pray for God's assistance & protection.


Abushouk, Ahmed Ibrahim. "Globalization and Muslim Identity Challenges and Prospects." The Muslim World 96.3 (2006): 487-505

Ahmad, Khurshid. "Globalization: Challenges and Prospects for Muslims." Policy Perspectives, 3.1

International Islamic News Agency website


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