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To Find Your Lifetime Mate

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   15:32

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

You must know yourself Before you look for a mate Your dreams, your visions, Your strength, your weakness, Things you like, things you dislike, Which path God wants you to take. You must have many friends Make as many relations as you can For it must be one of them ‘cause if you don’t make a friendship Then you won’t make a good relationship Love must come from best friends. Between your friends, find the one With whom you feel safe and comfort The one who knows your best and worst With whom you can share each other’s secrets of heart The one who always listens to you The one who you always listen to Finding a lifetime mate is not a one day job It’s a little less like finding The One who will save your soul You have to find the best fit You have to be the best fit To find your lifetime mate You must first make yourself as one Commitment will be all you need To love your mate in cold or heat To love your mate with all your heart Until death calls and do you apart!


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