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Ayatullah Nurjati

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Boxing Class in Real Life

Diperbarui: 17 Oktober 2021   08:26

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

We are born in the state of Lightweight

It doesn't matter if it's the son of a king or a commoner

So are those who were born and raised under the auspices of heavyweights

It's the same for them with conditions of middleweight

When we are both adults, we just decide by ratio, our minds and thoughts become bright

Whether you agree or not, that's another thing in real life

Being in the shade of sunlight

Education, religion that shapes conscience from insight

Quatrain Formula: A B A B

telah terbit pula di PoemHunter dengan judul Boxing Class

youtube channelnya bisa disimak dibawah ini


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