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Ayatullah Nurjati

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A Banana Republic

Diperbarui: 12 Oktober 2021   18:10

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

I live suffocate In this An Apple
In it there is a society that is formed into a state because the norm is not to take action in a melon
I work casually like a plum
My friend is always cool in cucumber
Act like charity in a peach
Many residents use lemon transportation as their vehicle
But there are not the leaders who have eaten too many bad apples
Blunt state above and sharp below in bear fruit practice
Let it be so, it's natural that the leader does to go banana
A couch potato by using game of gadget of the children is the right solution although sometimes misleading
When is it good to be like this? Hot potato becomes a spectacle like a soap opera
I don't care at all. As a commoner my life is just a bowl of cherries
Don't be stupid with it all, the important thing is that we still bear fruit
Our work gets mango and we can still eat, drink and get the simple things we want so just simplify your life


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