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Aurora Pravita

mahasiswa universitas darussalam gontor kampus c

Mapping Mystical Flows : Enhacing Awareness and Cultural Protection in Pudak District

Diperbarui: 4 Agustus 2024   01:13

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

My name is Aurora Rachel Parvita, a student at Darussalam Gontor University, campus C. I will review a journal titled "Geographical Information System for Mapping Flows of Spirits in Pudak District Ponorogo Website-Based" by Ahmad Fauzan, Faisal Reza Pradhana, and Taufiqurrahman, published in 2021. This research aims to present information about the mystical flows in Pudak District, Ponorogo Regency, which includes six villages: Bareng, Pudakkulon, Pudakwetan, Krisik, Tambang, and Banjarejo.

The lack of knowledge about local customs led to the expulsion of students during a real work study in Pudak Subdistrict, as they were unaware of the existing mysticism. The system's development followed the waterfall model, progressing through system requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The system displays the coordinates of villages in Pudak sub-district, the type of mysticism, and the number of adherents. Testing involved functionality tests and user questionnaires, with 89.3% of users expressing satisfaction with the web media.

Despite this, many people are unaware of these sects, resulting in them being overlooked as cultural assets. The Ponorogo government struggles to collect data on these believers, although they are committed to protecting and nurturing them per Article 29 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution on freedom of religion and belief.

The software development utilized the waterfall method, which involves sequential steps: system requirement analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The website overview and use case diagrams were designed for the admin, who can add, change, and delete data on the website. System testing ensured the system met requirements and functioned as intended.

Critical Analysis
The journal effectively argues the importance of understanding the customs of the mystical flows in Pudak District and proposes a technology-based solution. The system developed addresses the issue by providing detailed information and aiding the government in data collection and public awareness.

Knowledge about the customs of the kebatinan sect in Pudak Sub-district is crucial. The lack of such knowledge has led to incidents like student expulsion. To address this, a system using the waterfall software development model was developed. It displays village coordinates, types of mysticism, and adherent numbers. Testing showed high user satisfaction (89.3%). Despite government efforts to protect these cultural assets, public awareness remains low. This system aims to assist in data collection and increase awareness of the mystical traditions in the area.

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