Name : Aula Fitria Zhahrah
Nim : 21019032
list vocabularies
1. pembatalan - pembatalan : Nullifiers ( Noun )
2. Ahlus - Sunnah Wal Jamaah : Ahlus - Sunnah Wal Jamaah ( Noun )
meaning : Islamic teaching and principlew followed by the mainstream group of muslims who adhere to the practice and guidance of the prophet Muhammad ( Sunnah ) and the consensus of the early muslim community
3. Syirik : Shirk ( Noun)
4. Tauhid : Monotheism ( Noun)
5. Dukun : Shaman ( Noun)
6. Kewaspadaan : Vigilance ( Noun)
7. Badar : Badar ( Noun )