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The Pen That Carves Indonesia Inc.: Christianto Wibisono, April 10, 2010

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:53

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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

I am writing to wish my dearest father, Christianto Wibisono, a very Happy 65th Birthday.  For this special day, I am presenting him with a birthday gift, a pen from Tiffany & Co.  The pen symbolizes who Christianto is, a PEN THAT CARVES PEOPLE’S HEARTS & MINDS, through his writing, since his early days in middle school where he’d always win writing competitions, till today; a pen that will never stop writing on “the Indonesia Incorporated paper” to help reshape the character and quality of the paper.

This pen fills me with joy and pride each time of being his daughter, not because Christianto is Donald Trump with billions of dollars (even though he complains that my addiction to handbags and shoes could possibly trump Ivanka’s), not because Christianto is President SBY (even though when applying for KPK he’s been told by the committee that his 3 KPK Reform Strategies of Reversed Burden of Proof, Amnesty with Penalty and Blind Trust Management is pretty much turning the KPK job application into a “presidential nominee” job application).

I am proud because Christianto Wibisono is Christianto Wibisono, a pen, with a permanent ink of idealism and utmost sincerity to see in his lifetime the progress of the beloved Indonesia, a country where the pen spills the ink of policy recommendations, analysis & strategic platform to serve the interest of Indonesia Incorporation. The pen writes, and writes, and writes, a lot of times without reward, yet with relentless spirit the ink keeps spilling. This pen carves on each member of his family’s mind the principle of dignity, truth, and perseverance, a permanent carving that lasts for a lifetime.

Today, my father turns 65, the age of retirement.  Yet, there’s never an age for retirement for this “pen”.  It is not a Tiffany & Co. pen which model gets discontinued after certain season, or that turns color overtime.  It is a pen, with an eternal ink of love, loyalty, and intelligence. A legacy that I as his successor wish to continue to spread as a part of this nation’s most valuable asset.




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