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Ucapan Sidang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Diperbarui: 22 Juli 2024   09:49

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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

Memasuki gerbang sidang skripsi merupakan momen penentu bagi para mahasiswa. Di momen ini, semua usaha, dedikasi, dan pengorbanan selama perkuliahan diuji. Bagi sebagian orang, momen ini bisa terasa menegangkan dan penuh keraguan.

Namun, jangan khawatir! Artikel ini hadir untuk memberikan kamu 100 ucapan sidang skripsi Bahasa Inggris yang penuh semangat dan inspiratif. Ucapan-ucapan ini bisa kamu gunakan untuk menyemangati diri sendiri, sahabat, atau orang terdekat yang akan menjalani sidang skripsi.

50 Ucapan Sidang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Semangat dan Inspirasi:

  1. "You've got this! Your hard work and dedication will shine through. Good luck on your thesis defense!" (Kamu pasti bisa! Kerja keras dan dedikasi kamu akan bersinar. Semangat untuk sidang skripsimu!)
  2. "All the late nights and endless cups of coffee have paid off. Congratulations on reaching this milestone!" (Semua begadang dan kopi tanpa henti terbayar lunas. Selamat atas pencapaianmu!)
  3. "Believe in yourself and your abilities. You're more prepared than you think. Ace that thesis defense!" (Percayalah pada diri sendiri dan kemampuanmu. Kamu lebih siap daripada yang kamu kira. Taklukkan sidang skripsimu!)
  4. "This is just the beginning of your incredible journey. Congratulations on your thesis defense and best of luck in your future endeavors!" (Ini baru awal dari perjalanan luar biasa kamu. Selamat atas sidang skripsimu dan semoga sukses di masa depan!)
  5. "You've faced challenges and overcome them all. You're a true inspiration. Congratulations on your thesis defense!" (Kamu telah menghadapi tantangan dan mengatasinya semua. Kamu adalah inspirasi sejati. Selamat atas sidang skripsimu!)
  6. "Your hard work and determination have brought you to this point. Be proud of yourself and go rock that thesis defense!" (Kerja keras dan tekadmu telah membawamu ke titik ini. Banggalah pada diri sendiri dan taklukkan sidang skripsimu!)
  7. "Don't let nerves get the best of you. You're an expert in your field. Show them what you've got!" (Jangan biarkan rasa gugup menguasaimu. Kamu adalah ahli di bidangmu. Tunjukkan apa yang kamu punya!)
  8. "You've put in the time and effort. Now it's time to shine! Congratulations on your thesis defense!" (Kamu telah mencurahkan waktu dan usaha. Sekarang saatnya bersinar! Selamat atas sidang skripsimu!)
  9. "This is your moment to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Embrace the opportunity and ace that thesis defense!" (Ini adalah momenmu untuk menunjukkan pengetahuan dan keahlianmu. Rangkul kesempatan dan taklukkan sidang skripsimu!)
  10. "You're almost there! Just one more step towards achieving your dreams. Congratulations on your thesis defense!"
  11. "Good luck with your thesis defense! You've got this!"
  12. "Wishing you all the best for your thesis presentation. Show them your hard work!"
  13. "May your thesis defense be successful and all your hard work pay off."
  14. "You're going to do great in your defense. Believe in yourself!"
  15. "Sending you positive vibes and best wishes for your thesis defense."
  16. "Good luck! You've worked hard for this moment."
  17. "I believe in you! You'll nail your thesis defense."
  18. "Your dedication and hard work will shine through. Good luck!"
  19. "Wishing you success in your thesis defense. You've got this!"
  20. "Stay calm and confident. You are well-prepared!"
  21. "Best of luck with your thesis defense. You've put in the effort; now it's time to shine."
  22. "You are going to do amazing. Trust in your preparation."
  23. "May your presentation be smooth and your defense successful."
  24. "You're more than ready for this. Best of luck!"
  25. "Knock them dead in your thesis defense!"
  26. "Wishing you clarity of thought and a successful defense."
  27. "You've done the work, now show it off. Good luck!"
  28. "I have no doubt you'll excel in your defense. Best wishes!"
  29. "Believe in your abilities and good luck!"
  30. "You're going to impress them with your knowledge. All the best!"
  31. "Good luck! Your hard work and determination will pay off."
  32. "Wishing you a calm and confident thesis defense."
  33. "Go in there and show them what you've got. Best of luck!"
  34. "Your journey has been long and challenging, but you've made it. Good luck!"
  35. "May you have a smooth and successful defense."
  36. "You've got this! Best of luck with your thesis presentation."
  37. "I believe in your abilities. You'll do great!"
  38. "Stay confident and focused. Wishing you the best!"
  39. "You've worked so hard for this moment. Good luck with your defense!"
  40. "Best wishes for a successful thesis defense."
  41. "You've prepared well. Now it's time to shine!"
  42. "Good luck with your thesis defense. Show them your expertise!"
  43. "Your hard work is about to pay off. Best of luck!"
  44. "May your defense be as brilliant as your research."
  45. "Go in there with confidence and come out with success."
  46. "Best of luck! You've got the knowledge and the skills."
  47. "You're ready for this. Wishing you success in your defense."
  48. "Stay positive and focused. You'll do great!"
  49. "Wishing you a successful and confident thesis defense."
  50. "Good luck! Your dedication and hard work will shine through."


Dukung teman dan sahabatmu yang akan menjalani sidang skripsi dengan memberikan ucapan semangat yang tulus dan inspiratif. Percayalah, kamu bisa menjadi sumber kekuatan dan motivasi bagi mereka di momen penting ini!

Ingatlah, kamu tidak sendiri! Semangat dan kerja kerasmu akan membawamu meraih gelar yang kamu impikan.

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