Annida Aqiilah1, Ratna dewi Kartikasari2
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Jl. Kh. H. Ahmad Dahlan, Cireundeu, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Communication in an organization is an important aspect in maintaining the smoothness and effectiveness of work. In organizational implementation, there are various problems that occur starting from the lowest positions up to the decision maker level. Some of the main communication problems that often occur in organizations include differences in character, lack of openness, and other communication barriers. Communication in organizations also involves various approaches, such as the macro approach and the process approach to communication in organizations.
In this context, it is important to understand the relationship between communication in the organization (upward communication, horizontal communication, and downward communication) and job satisfaction. Apart from that, the organizational communication approach also involves understanding the context of the organization's way of thinking and behavior.
With a deep understanding of communication problems in organizations, organizations can take steps to increase communication effectiveness and minimize obstacles that may arise.
Komunikasi dalam Organisasi merupakan aspek penting dalam menjaga kelancaran dan efektivitas kerja. Dalam pelaksanaan organisasi, terdapat beragam permasalahan yang terjadi mulai dari posisi terendah hingga ke tingkat pengambil keputusan. Beberapa masalah komunikasi utama yang sering terjadi di dalam organisasi meliputi perbedaan karakter, kurangnya keterbukaan, dan hambatan komunikasi lainnya. Komunikasi dalam organisasi juga melibatkan berbagai pendekatan, seperti pendekatan makro dan proses pendekatan komunikasi dalam organisasi .
Dalam konteks ini, penting untuk memahami hubungan antara komunikasi dalam organisasi (komunikasi ke atas, komunikasi mendatar, dan komunikasi ke bawah) dengan kepuasan kerja. Selain itu, pendekatan komunikasi organisasi juga melibatkan pemahaman dari konteks cara pemikiran dan perilaku-perilaku organisasi .