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The Magnificent Love

Diperbarui: 15 Juni 2023   14:35

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

The sun smiled back at me, the white clouds seemed to be the jewels of the blue sky that stretched like a plain roll of paper. What a sunny day! It was as perfect as what I felt about love. The Love I felt was an action, because precious words and even just a beautiful writing about love were bullshit. Every single person felt the beauty of love. But, everyone had their own way to love. It had been almost a year to pass every single day with him. The points were, he was the first one who had made me feel what love was, the first one who used to be by my side, and the one and only a man who had made me feel, something!

Once upon time, I was too focused on online lecture in front of my laptop. After that, someone sent me a message containing of just a greeting and it turned out he was my classmate so I replied it. I kept myself busy by doing an assignment but he was still going on to chat me. Then a few months after that, he made something different between us. He was such something undefinable. Because of him I learned how to be myself and confident of what I had owned. Love did not always have a reason why it came. But, love came suddenly when the one had made us feel that its world was not as cruel as we thought. This what I felt just because he was the first one who had made me feel the true love.

I passed every moment with him by happiness and sadness. We were two people having the close feeling but far in distance. We were not like a couple who often had a dinner, getting gather, or even just met for a moment in the crossroads. The distance forced us not to meet as soon as possible. But, it was something magic about love because love could even make me feel lonely in a crowd and crowded in the midst of loneliness. Its world seemed Crowded I felt because he used to be by my side. He had never left me however I was. He was always there for me even though He could not give me a warm hug and the holding hands directly. But, I was drowning in a feeling of longing. I wanted to immerse myself in his arms.

Our love was not about being together. But on the memories that were placed in the deepest hearts of ours, and even just in the prayers that were said in silence. He was the one who could convince me about love, he was the one and only who could made me believe in love, and he could made me feel something! I felt to be the happiest girl this world just because of him. Because of him I knew what love and loyalty were. It was not always about thinking of him every time, but about to keep thinking of him when I was not with him because I knew where this love should stay along.

All in one, everything happened for a reason including why this love was so magnificent. Everything he did to me was a very magical love. The boy with his true love action not just sending a sweet message but being the one who used to be by my side and the one who made me be the happiest girl in this whole world. With love, life was amazing. And with him my world was so awesome.  


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