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Disrespect Toward the World Interfaith Harmony Week under the Auspices of UN

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   08:50

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In a press release issued this evening, Sunday the 6th of February 2011, spiritual/interfaith activist Anand Krishna expressed his grief, and concern over the brutal man-slaughtering earlier this day in the name of religion.

He said that the killing and riots disgraced Indonesia's image as a member of the United Nations, whereas this year all UN member states commemorate the first World Interfaith Harmony Week.

He urged all the opposing parties to calm down and think more clearly, wisely and religiously in the truest sense of religion, if such incidents conform to the tenets of any religion, and if they can ever solve any problem.

“Violence begets violence. The only solution is love. Non-violence is the only answer. Living in peace and harmony appreciating our differences,” he said, “is human. Violence disgraces our humanity.”


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