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Soultime Runner

Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   16:51

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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

Soultime Runner

Do you believe soulmate? Do you believe love at the first sight? If you think you do, I’m warning you that this is not a love story.

This is Monaghan City, the capital of Excubia. A world where each person has their own watch that determine when they would meet their soulmate. Lumiere, keeps taping her finger in the table thinking about her future soulmate. While Dylan was looking at her oddly. “Calm down, take it easy.” He said with a chuckles. “How do you expect me to be calm? You would never understand how bad this whole soulmate things affect me! I mean, why can’t I choose my own mate, instead of this stupid watch tells me when will I meet my soulmate!?” Lumiere exclaimed. “Everythings gonna turn out Ok. Keep Calm.” Dylan said with a calmer tone. “You know what? It’s not like I don’t care. I care about it so much! I mean this thing can’t always be romantic. My parents met in the bookstore where my dad was working as a sales. Yeah, I get it that-” She cuts her words and smiled at Dylan sheepishly, “I’m sorry, I’m just so nervous.” Dylan just nods and laughs at her. He could never understand how someone can be completely oblivious of how beautiful they are. And one of them is Lumiere. His own bestfriend whom he’s been in love with. He thought that how was one not possible of falling in love with her since the second you meet her. Yes she was simply irresistible, not only to him but to everyone else who were in the same page as him. She was one you could tell as a ‘flawless’, the way she sways her hips when she enters a room without even having an intention to brag. She was all he could ever wish each year on his Christmas gift list, believe it or not.

Lumiere is pretty with wavy brunette hair and the most striking green eyes anyone could ever ask for. While Dylan was just... well, Dylan; ordinary, cat loving person, guy with messy hair and dull brown eyes. He understand and knows that deep down inside him that he doesn’t deserve her. Lumiere is very fond of art when Dylan could never understand why a thing so absurd can affect her more than him.

They were talking some more on whether Lumiere should go to the train station or another places for her watch to turn 00d00h00m. As they don’t realize that Zoey was watching them from the edge of the room. Zoey is Dylan’s colleague. She is completely nice girl with pink-coloured hair and shining blue eyes. She admires Dylan for a long time and she is know that Dylan keeps a feeling towards Lumiere. But she still waiting for him turn around to her arms. She definitely love him from her deepest heart. Unfortunately, Dylan doesn’t aware that.

As the time Lumiere’s watch turn 00d00h00m, both of Lumiere and Dylan were going to the train station and both of their heart beats so fast. Dylan was hoping that he would be her soulmate, since his watch will turn 00d00h00m as well, slightly different with Lumiere’s.

When Lumiere and Dylan’s watch will turn zero in a short time. Dylan is happy in the train there is no guy takes Lumiere’s attention and shows possibility of her soulmate, but not before a guy come inside the train. Lumiere spots that artsy guy, who happened to have his watch 00d00h00m too. His name is Joshua Campbell… and they, Lumiere and Joshua immediately clicked on each other. Knowing that guy have a strong possibility as Lumiere’s soulmate, Dylan get his heart broken. She was his. She was supposed to be his. He thought.

The lovebirds looks so match and they comfortable each other. Dylan’s hurt himself by that sight. Then Zoey which were accidently in the same train as them watched them from the other side. She was looking at Dylan with her eyes open. After think hard, she manage to came up to him. She admitted that she would watched as his feelings grew for Lumiere’s. So is her feelings at Dylan’s that sparked each time they interacted. She says “It takes time, to move on.”

The End

There is still grammatical error... so please I would be happy to accept your comment. Thank you for read this.


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