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Morning News: A Suffocating and Depressing String of Events Outside Our Very Own Mundane Life

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:04

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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

The problem with working men and women like us is we are too cooped up and too pre-occupied with our daily problems we mostly find within the 1.5x2 cubicles we dwell in for almost 10-12 hours everyday at work, that we have become so insensitive and uncaring with things outside our own little world.
Read what I saw from the morning news on TV today. Three infants were born without an anus. One didn’t want to go to school because his school friends would make fun of his handicap,another one, her mother has to resort to an ordinary plastic bag rather than a specifically made disposal bag whenever the urgent calls of nature come, due to cost consideration. All three of them are in a bad condition waiting for urgent operations for an artificial anus but have not been able to do so, as the so called Jaring Pengaman Sosial contribution to pay for it have not been received. I heard the news, incidentally, when I was also having my own nature call, of course with a natural anus and until this morning I never realized how lucky and fortunate I was. Hearing the news, I cringed and felt sad and felt I need to do something about it. Before I reached into a conclusion of what I should do to help these 3 poor children, another news emerged about this kid in Tangerang whose news about him being kidnapped I read from the email forwarded to me just yesterday. He was finally found dead stuck on the banks of a small stream by a fresh water fisherman . The TV news reporting was very good at playing with the audience emotion as it even succeeded in making my eyes wet, they were good at touching my conscience and make me emphatize to the grieving parents for their sadness and pain.
After these 2 emotionally disturbing news, I look up and saw the clock on the wall of my bedroom and instantly I got reminded of all these numbers I have to key in at work today, the falling rate of rupiah against dollars, this new job responsibility my boss wants me to take on that I personally think I am not capable of. ( All of these, although obviously much less dramatic and much less important to be exposed in the morning news but yet they are very much relevant to this little and narrow boring life I have)

As such, having seen these news, and having been reminded of my own insignificant but relevant problems at work, I ended up feeling confused and lost.


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