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The Importance of Reading

Diperbarui: 8 Juni 2023   18:32

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The importance of reading

Reading is an activity that begins the human learning process. Humans will always find various texts that have a specific purpose. By reading humans will be able to interpret a text. However, today many humans do not realize the importance of reading. Laziness and lack of thoroughness make many people ignore reading sources. Here are some descriptions of the importance of reading activities.

First, by reading we gain a lot of knowledge about the world and even the universe. Knowing this knowledge trains our brain to function optimally.

Secondly, by reading we can become a more thorough person so that we can do things better. For example, reading skincare storage instructions well, then we will know better how the skincare should be stored.

Third, reading makes us rich in vocabulary so that we can improve our communication skills and string words well. The advantage is that we can distinguish what diction to use in formal and non-formal situations.

From the facts described above, it can be concluded that we must be more aware of the importance of reading. We should familiarize ourselves with reading activities, no matter whether the reading is important or not. Choosing to read until the end will help us build the habit of reading.

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