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The Silent Killer: Understanding the Devastating Impact of Bullying

Diperbarui: 7 Mei 2024   21:32

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Bullying, akin to killing without laying a hand. Perpetrators inflicting indirect harm upon victims could lead to their demise, as the torment they endure takes a toll on their physical and mental health. Thus, bullying can be metaphorically categorized as a lethal act.

According to the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, bullying encompasses intentional acts of oppression or violence by individuals or groups stronger than others, aimed at causing harm and persistently carried out.

School bullying, as described by Riauskina et al. (2005), involves repeated aggressive behavior by one or more students with power over weaker peers, intending to harm them.

Bullying, as highlighted by Seribu Tujuan blog, emerges from power imbalances, whether physical, mental, or numerical, between perpetrators and victims, and is characterized by intentional harm, power disparity, threat of further aggression, terror to control weaker individuals, and repetition.

A tragic incident reported by Faisal, a writer and entrepreneur, sheds light on the prevalence of bullying, where a fifth-grade student from Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, was coerced into sexually abusing a cat, leading to his death during treatment due to immense trauma.

The incident underscores the urgent need for stringent action against perpetrators across all levels of education. In the digital age, remote monitoring can aid in school supervision, while teachers and parents must be vigilant in identifying and addressing behavioral changes in children.

As depicted in the heart-wrenching case, bullying's psychological ramifications extend beyond the victim to witnesses, necessitating comprehensive strategies for prevention and intervention.

Rensi's article emphasizes the psychological toll of bullying, offering insights into its detrimental effects on individuals' psychological well-being, academic performance, and behavior, along with strategies for mitigation.

Bullying, manifesting in various forms such as physical, verbal, relational, cyber, sexual, and prejudicial, inflicts profound physical and mental anguish on victims, potentially culminating in suicide if left unchecked.

Understanding the gravity of contemporary bullying and its potential long-term repercussions necessitates proactive measures. Victims can adopt resilience strategies, while bystanders must offer support and report incidents to authorities, regardless of perpetrators' age.

Ultimately, combating bullying demands a collective effort to stand up for victims and speak out against this perilous societal issue, ensuring a safer and more compassionate environment for all.


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