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Aiman Umar

Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Phenomenon of Code Switching in Elementary School Between Students and Teachers

Diperbarui: 14 Mei 2024   14:11

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By: Aiman Ashar Umar; Supervised By: Muziatun, S.Pd, M.App.Ling, Ph.D

The phase of children on education in elementary school, where they learn how to socialize and learn language skills in addition to knowledge. The phenomenon of code switching where they switch or the act of switch one to another language or dialect during a single conversation or interaction. This have gained some concerns on how code switching can be happened between students and teachers. With teacher's appearance the students show engagement and obedience, the student's behaviour drastically changes. These prove that direct interactions with greatly influence to boost their morale and obedience whether it is inside or outside of the class.

In this paper, the teacher claim that the students experience various language due to its dialect which is how the students mostly are using dialect from North-regional Suwawa (Bonda) For instance, "toga" means lamp in Bonda, but in Gorontalo it is "Tohe". As the teachers here, is to explain the words and monitor the way they speak. The teachers affecting the students on their behaviour and creating more organized and more Polite in speaking.

The environment of the school, including family and peers can influence the student's speech. If many students use a particular dialect or the language, they will likely their use of that language in school

Knowing that one class does not only have one language or dialect, this can have an impact on the social and cultural aspects of the class:

  • How it improves the student's speech

Through the teacher's monitoring and guidance of code switching, students can gain a better understanding of the appropriate use of language in context. This can improve students' language skills and help them differentiate between official or standard language and everyday language or dialect.

  • Cultural background 

By understanding and appreciating the various languages and dialects spoken by students, teachers can assist in the development of students' cultural identity. This can help students feel more motivated to learn and develop a sense of pride in their cultural background.

  • Improving communication

By introducing standard or official language to students, teachers can help improve students' communication skills in formal or professional situations. This can give them improvement in facing future academic.

Overall, from all the impacts outlined above, it appears that effectively managing language code switching in the classroom environment can enrich learning environment, promotes cultural appreciation, and improves communication skills among students.

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