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Agita Nurul Arofah

Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Budi Darma and The Existence of Jungkir Balik Theory in National Symposium

Diperbarui: 31 Oktober 2021   21:53

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The Faculty of art and language at Unesa is hosting a national symposium on the topic "Dunia Jungkir Balik Budi Darma" on September 14, online through the zoom meeting platform and also from youtube livestream. This event starts at 07.30 in the morning which is divided into four sessions and is narrated by great speakers consisting of writers and relatives of Prof Budi Darma. 

The speakers consisted of Faruk HT, Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Okky Puspa Madasari, Suyatno, Akmal Nasery Basral, M. Shoim Anwar, Triyanto Triwikromo, Tengsoe Tjahjono, Wahyudi Siswanto, Nurinwa Ki S. Hendrowinoto, Eka Budianta, Much Khoiri, Tommy F Awuy , Hafiz Rancajale, I Wayan Kun Adnyana, and Djuli Djatiprambudi.

This symposium was held to commemorate the figure of Professor Budi Darma after his death on August 21, 2021, as well as to commemorate his works which were carried out with various detailed discussions about the uniqueness of the work of Professor Budi Darma, a great Indonesian writer as well as a professor of the Faculty of Language and Arts at Unesa. 

He has written many literary works and essays with his own style and characteristics that make him unique as a writer. some of his famous works such as Orang-Orang Bloomington (1980), Olenka (1983), Rafilus (1988), Kritikus Adinan (2008), and many more. After he passed away, of course, his relatives and some literary fans feel lost and the news from several national media also informed this sad news with deep condolences.

'Jungkir Balik'  is a phrase that is attached to the writing style of Prof. Budi Darma. The phrase itself here means explaining about the creative process and his writing style  in creating characters that flow in the story and characters in an all-open absurd world. As stated by one of the speakers, Shoim Anwar, who said that almost all of Prof. Budi Darma's works raised the theme of existentialism about human life struggling with the world of solitude, loneliness, failure, difficulties in establishing social connection, and returning to solitude phase again. "Yes, indeed human life is absurd, difficult to understand and full of uncertainty," he added.

In this symposium, it also discusses how Prof. Budi Darma's attitude behind the creation of the works that he has created, that in his writing there prove his ability to speak, think, and the reasons which comes from a depth that lies in the brain which is not easily imitated, all at once with the sharpness of his heart as a form of the importance of mental and emotional processes when thinking. 

"He has an attitude in his literary concept, that a real writer never has any preparation. So, every day, his life is for the sake of his writing and he observes humans. He is also a staunch adherent of the human concept so that he can then use it as a theme to make a story. Moreover, he also always squeezes the power of writing when the moment of opportunity comes as fast as lightning."  Said Seno, when explaining the concept of Budi Darma's writing attitude.

Prof. Budi Darma's idea of 'Jungkir Balik' is like overturning the concept of realism with philosophy. Based on his first essay, literature is an open world of possibilities, where a possibility always exists and it is not limited by anything. The literary work that is made must have a certain meaning and there will be many interpretations that are free to be expressed, so this interpretation will exist after a work is released. Because basically the interpretation will continue to exist and cannot be ended by anyone. 

The concept of Jungkir Balik is also shown through how different the figure of Prof. Budi Darma as a writer as well as a teacher. Faruq HT also explained the thoughts and attitudes of Prof. Budi Darma when he wrote his works that seemed bold and genuine.

"According to Budi Darma, life becomes interesting if you convey it for the way it is. What I mean by saying this is a state which is not being pressured and not following the rules. I think when Budi Darma writes essays or literary works, he is really in a free condition . If Budi Darma says something, it is the words that really arise from his heart.  

His writing mostly are romanticism in the sense that the author is free, spontaneous, and the text itself doesn't need to be edited. Is it wrong? It's not wrong, what's important as a writer is to be brave to say what you think." Faruq answered when asked about the figure of Budi Darma in his writing style.

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