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Agil Septiyan Habib


Esais; Founder Growthmedia, dapat Dikunjungi di

Respond Corona Pandemic Correctly and Proportionally with Disruptive Mindset

Diperbarui: 19 Maret 2020   11:08

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Ilustrasi coronavirus | Sumber gambar :

Coronavirus or covid-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Almost all major countries of the world are the target of the spread of this virus. China, South Korea, the United States, Australia, and even Indonesia. All did not escape his exposure. No doubt this situation makes most people panic, especially those in the infected area. As if to be a domino effect, this panic and worry has sparked another problem that is no less complicated. The chaotic economy, some material needs soaring prices, scarcity of goods, and so forth. Not to mention the problem of hoax that are always there in the midst of problems, as if not wanting to be left behind. All this requires us to be vigilant and more observant in dealing with all situations. Mistaken when acting without thinking long it is not impossible that it actually harms ourselves in the future, and may also have a bad impact for most people.

In order to respond to these conditions, we need "tools" to think so as to make us more wise in attitude, more critical in thinking, and more careful in taking action. We need the right mindset for our positioning for the disease pandemic in this modern era. Because after all this time we should not only be aware of the disease itself as the core problem. But we also have to understand other things beyond that which also take on "the role". Pandemic viral illness may not be the first time this has happened. Quoting from the page, there are several pandemics that have occurred with claimed many lives. Among them the Spanish Flu pandemic which killed around 500 million people in the period 1918-1918.

Then there was the Smallpox pandemic which killed around 300 million human lives from the period 10,000 BC to 1979. "Black death" became a pandemic from 1340-1771 by swallowing no less than 75 million people. Measles pandemic since the 7th century BC until 1963 has killed around 200 million people. Of the several pandemic cases, most of them occurred in the past where information flow was not "wild" as it is now. Information from one part of the world to another is not as fast as it is now spreading. So even though it caused many casualties, it seemed as if it was something normal. Even though covid-19 is suspected to be not much more dangerous than SARS or Avian Influenza, the distribution of information related to covid-19 is much faster than the "predecessor" virus. It was also said that the distribution of information about coronavirus is often more worrying than the distribution of the virus itself.

We need the right mindset to respond to all of this. The hope is that we can behave appropriately and proportionally in overcoming every situation that exists. The first disruptive mindset we need is the importance of an idea and the rejection of certain boundaries. In this case we can see coronavirus has created an extraordinary panic. One person with another person are both trying to protect themselves from transmission. Some people flocked to the hospital to be tested whether he was infected with this virus or not. As a result, some hospitals are overwhelmed by their patients. Not to mention when the hospital has limited equipment. Trouble again.

In this case the disruptive mindset will drive us to think a few steps ahead. Should the hospital only take on the role of a person's health testing? Should it use "that-only" equipment for testing? We have quite a number of colleges or universities that are engaged in the medical field. We have intelligent people in the field of technology who can make creative tools. Are they not supposed to be empowered? As long as the principle still refers to the standards set by WHO, that should not be a problem.

Indonesia in particular is experiencing quite a lot of obstacles related to handling this coronavirus. But that should not make our space more limited. We have ideas that can be empowered in overcoming this problem. Don't just use the conventional, ordinary way of thinking. And I think we can do that.

The next disruptive mindset that is very important for us to have is the enthusiasm for finding solutions. Coronavirus has entered Indonesia and several parties have pointed out who is wrong and should be responsible for this. The government is accused of being less alert in preventing this pandemic from entering Indonesia. As a result, the number of infected victims has already exceeded 100. Finding a scapegoat and appointing one of the guilty parties is actually useless anymore. That will not make coronavirus disappear from Indonesian soil. On the contrary it will further confuse the atmosphere. With the spirit of the solution, it will bring us hand in hand and work together to find the best solution for this problem. The central and regional governments must unite their vision and views so that this pandemic can be overcome immediately.

It is also important for us to always update the latest news related to the development of coronavirus at home and abroad. As is widely reported that the coronavirus may mutate so as to make "behavior" change and become more difficult to handle. This if ignored will certainly make us miss the step by this virus. One of the policies implemented such as the handling protocol will also be problematic. The general public must always see the latest news and certainly valid to check the status of treatment and maintain vigilance. The news regarding the prevention and handling of a situation and the latest conditions must be obtained from a trusted source. Disruptive mindset like this will make us survive amid the uncertainty of problems caused by this coronavirus.

The next disruptive mindset that is very important for us to have is to put forward strategies in solving problems. This is needed so that the handling strategy taken is truly the best alternative to solve the problem, has the smallest risk, and has the biggest positive impact. For example, such as a lockdown policy, regulation of food, maintaining border access, restrictions on transportation, and so forth. Everything must be seen from a strategic point of view. Seeing what DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has done with his policy that limits the busway transportation mode in order to reduce the spread of the corona virus, it has instead led to long queues snaking at several Transjakarta bus stops. This made Anies reviled by many groups of people.

Disruptive mindset indeed needs to be owned by policy makers. But everyone must also have it so they can act more responsibly in responding to the current conditions. There will be many worries and panic that occur in the community as a result of this. Let the relevant officials carry out their functions and duties. So do us, carry out our role not to make the atmosphere more chaotic. We must follow the directions given by the government, but we must also be critical if the implementation of the policy actually makes the situation worse. We need to have this kind of judgment by putting forward a disruptive mindset.

Cogito ergo sum. I think then I exist. I think then I'm alive.

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