This article is an attempt to take a look in the seemingly continue problem in the public services system, Racial discrimination. Discrimination often starts with assumption (Kamang et al., 2021). Assumption can happen from the lack of familiarity. The African-American in the US and the Chinese-Indonesian in Special Region Yogyakarta are two groups (amongst many) that become the victim.
A study conducted by Corrado Giulietti found that emails signed by distinctively African American names to the public services (school district, local libraries, sheriff offices and more) are less likely to get a reply than identical emails that signed by distinctively white (people from European descend) names.
In Special Region Yogyakarta exists local law, Surat Instruksi Wakil Kepala Daerah (Wagub) DIY No K.898/i/A/1975 Tentang Penyeragaman Policy Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah Kepada Seorang WNI Non-Pribumi openly discriminates non-natives residents by stated that every land purchased by them will directly own by the government.
Those racial and ethnic based discrimination still happening even when other law such as Universal Declarations of Human Rights, and Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis have been officially use.
Public services, where the problems lies
Public service is defined as "giving services (serving) the needs of people or communities who have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been established" (Mursyidah & Choiriyah, 2015).
It made up of healthcare, transportation, education et cetera, more often than not it is made available by the government. Sadly, as for now in 2022 there are still many public services that didn't serve its community properly based on their race.
As shameful as it is, the fact that there are people treated less simply because of their skin color, something that they cannot control, is a problem that need to be solved way long ago. Racial discrimination brings many disadvantages for the targeted community.
Everyone that is part of the community deserves equal services, regardless of their racial identity and/or how they look. Although there are laws in response to this problem that already exist both internationally and here in Indonesia, the vile practice doesn't seem to go away. In Indonesia the law that supposed to solved racial discrimination is Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis.
Local public service providers like school districts and libraries have a major role in this regard; thus, discrimination in access to these services represents an important obstacle to addressing racial inequality (Giulietti et al., 2017). If the racial inequality continues then it is possible that more problems will exist and affects the whole community such as the economy, education, and overall living conditions.
Method and Findings