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Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:45

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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

When the disciples had rowed for four or five kilometres, they saw Jesus walking on the water. He kept coming closer to the boat, and they were terrified. But He said,"I am Jesus! Don't be afraid!"

Andre was a teenager who was involved in leadership training. On one occasion, young people have to jump from a cliff into the sea. Hearing this, Andre was very scared. Andre afraid of heights.

Most of the teens had never jumped from a cliff into the sea, where the high altitude of sea level is about 10 meters. But trust in the leadership, make them start up the courage.

One by one Andre's friends jumped from the edge of a cliff into the sea, using a 'life jacket', they float in the air before falling into the sea. Seeing the enthusiasm of friends and trust in the leaders of the event, making Andre go jump. Andre felt for a long time in the air, hovering, feeling very worried and frightened he felt, he was screaming. He felt for a long time in the air, when he was just floating in the air about 2 seconds.

When Andre fell into the sea, feeling satisfied, happy to include him. Andre feels he is able to defeat his fears. He succeeded.

Bible References:
Acts.6:1-7 + Psalms.33:1-2,4-5,18-19 + John.6:16-21
Kis.6:1-7 + Mzm.33:1-2,4-5,18-19 + Yoh.6:16-21

Sesudah mereka (para murid) mendayung kira-kira dua tiga mil jauhnya, mereka melihat Yesus berjalan di atas air mendekati perahu itu. Maka ketakutanlah mereka. Tetapi Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Aku ini, jangan takut!"

Andre seorang remaja yang sedang ikut pelatihan kepemimpinan. Pada suatu acara, para remaja harus meloncat dari suatu tebing ke laut. Mendengar hal itu, Andre sangat takut. Andre takut dengan ketinggian.

Sebagian besar para remaja itu belum pernah meloncat dari tebing ke laut lepas, dimana ketinggian tinggi dari muka air laut adalah sekitar 10 meter. Namun kepercayaan kepada pimpinan, membuat mereka mulai memberanikan diri.

Satu per satu teman-teman Andre meloncat dari tepi tebing ke laut, dengan menggunakan 'life jacket', mereka melayang di udara sebelum akhirnya jatuh ke laut. Melihat semangat teman-teman dan kepercayaan kepada pemimpin acara, membuat Andre ikut meloncat. Andre merasakan lama sekali berada di udara, melayang-layang, perasaan kuatirnya dan takutnya sangat dia rasakan, dia pun berteriak. Ia merasa lama sekali berada di udara, padahal dia hanya melayang di udara sekitar 2 detik.

Saat Andre jatuh ke laut, perasaan puas, senang meliputi dirinya. Andre merasa dia mampu mengalahkan ketakutannya. Dia berhasil.

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