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Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam

Intelektual Muda, Cendikiawan Pandai, dan Berbudaya Asia Afrika

Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam and The Rise of Asia Africa Union Based on Dasasila Bandung

Diperbarui: 14 Februari 2021   02:56

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Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam and The Rise An Asia Africa Union in the Best of Modern Democracy based on Soekarno's Appointment in Bandung Conference is result Dasasila Bandung (Ten Principles of Bandung).

Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam is a charismatic Indonesian who wants to knit the weaving of Asian-African unity to become the Best of Modern Democracy as his lofty and noble ideal. 

Not Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam if he does not understand Soekarno's thoughts and the appointment of weaving together the unity of the European colonies so that the Asian continent and the African continent are united in a modern democracy.

Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam, who is far more famous for being democratism and fighting for the values of unity post imprealisme and colonialism. But it is the Indonesians who inspire and mobilize young intellectuals and student to come to Asia and Africa as a consequence of the continuation of Asian-African unity.

Democracy is still respected by almost all Indonesians who believe that democracy is more important and has greater legitimacy than authoritarian countries without considering the will of the Asian African people as a great nation. 

Asia Africa is named the continent of red and green after its name since Asia and Africa exploited the west from green to red so that there have been many critical and heroic reports about its achievements - in maintaining the sovereignty of the forerunner of the Asian-African nation.

The story of Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam's life, time and significance that was scrutinized by his parents expected him to become a policeman but he failed. 

His parents main argument is that Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam is responsible for internationalizing the security of Asia and Africa by interpreting it in security terms as an obligation to create sovereignty intact.

But that dream failed become police with a strong impulse, but Abdullah Azzam abdurrofi did not give up. He is not fighting alone in life, proof that his enthusiasm never goes out. Rather, he knows very well when to go all out in achieving this democracy.

He tried another way, he tried to study democracy to be spread in Asia and Africa as a domestication of autocratic secular regimes, communist regimes and countries of repressive character but he failed to return to weave the weaving of unity from Asia and Africa to make democracy "worldwide".

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