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Adhi Hendrawan, a student of English Literature, University of Ahmad Dahlan.

Impact of This Hybrid Moment on Communication and Work

Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2021   02:31

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS


What is hybrid communication? 

Hybrid communication connects two completely different types of workers. To meet the global demands of today's Postcovet 19, we need to accelerate the development of hybrid office and remote workers. This new type of communication allows workers to work the few days and other days they choose to work in the office. Because you can work from home, the differences between the five hybrid models are explained as follows: 

  1. The static hybrid

every teammate has a hard and fast paintings vicinity both withinside the workplace or at home

  1. dynamic hybrid

personnel determine in which they paintings from withinside the workplace or remotely

  1. synchronized hybrid

group contributors paintings remotely and withinside the workplace however they arrive at the workplace at the identical time

  1. default digital

people can paintings from anywhere they need with no expectancies from time to time this version is known as the far-flung first version

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