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Zahra Kamila

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A Sociological Approach: Child Exploitation in Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" Novel (1838)

Diperbarui: 20 Januari 2022   02:16

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Child exploitation should be analyzed because it is still common in any aspect of life. Many kids labor under the control of others, and they have lost their childhood, which has taken away their joys as children. And child exploitation is a really bad activity.

Charles Dickens' work Oliver Twist was published in 1838. One of Charles Dickens' most famous novels is Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist has been adapted into a number of films and television shows. This novel is about orphan children who lived in unsanitary workhouses; the slave trade and child labor were made illegal. Children are among the victims of the Industrial Revolution, according to the theme of Oliver Twist's novel. Dickens develops Oliver Twist as the main character. He is a young orphan who lives in the workhouse, but he is mistreated and punished there. Through this novel, Dickens wants to say about social strata, poverty, and violence that happened in the revolution industry at that time. The plot of this work is based reflects on Charles Dickens' life. It is a true story that reflects from his childhood, so he writes an Oliver Twist novel.

There are several aspects of the Child Exploitation topic that we can discuss in this novel such as the Social aspect, Economic aspect, and Science and Technology aspect. In this work, we hope that the readers can understand Child Exploitation, both in Oliver Twist's novel and in real life. Because there are still many and we often encounter news about Child Exploitation that is happening around us and how we understand it properly regarding what things are the background that causes Child Exploitation.

Oliver twist is the protagonist and main character in this novel. He has a miserable life, such as he lives in an orphanage, he will go to beat if he makes a mistake, he was even given dog food. One day Oliver decided to escape to London to get a better life and he meets Jack. Jack makes Oliver be a thief under Fagin's command as a leader. Oliver tries to escape from Fagin, but Bill Sikes and Nancy bring Oliver back to Fagin. One day when Oliver should thieving again, Oliver is caught by the house owner. Since that time Oliver's life better than before.

Because of various characteristics, Oliver Twist is an intriguing novel. The first feature of this novel is the tale, which is based on Charles Dickens' experiences as a youngster after his father died. The final argument is that the tale is basic, and the novel is not difficult to comprehend. Some of the elements found in the novel are related to the sociological approach:

  • Social Aspect
  • According to (Ratnasari & Windhasari, 2019), the social aspect is the outcome of human interactions with the natural environment Oppression is one type of oppression. Bullying is a form of aggression, threats, or coercion perpetrated by one person against another as a result of a social or other power imbalance. In the novel Oliver Twist, the social status determines the characters and behavior in the story. It can be found in the following quotations:

  • Oliver had a very difficult life (Twist Oliver, 1838: 10)

  • Oliver was really the only person in the world had no friends. (1838: 07)

  • Economic Aspect
  • Economic growth greatly affected the life of Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist's lower social status makes it difficult to make ends meet, based on his experience of living in London. This makes him a slave like child exploitation. The main character of Oliver has a very sad condition. He was enslaved by kidnappers like Dodger, Charley Bates, and Sikes to become a middle-aged worker at his young age and become a thief.

  • Science and Technology Aspect
  • In the latest twentieth-century of science and technology of the City of London brings worldwide issues, philosophical confrontations, and economic evolutions were all inextricably linked to developments in social, economic, diplomatic, and cultural issues and developments. (Osborne, 2007) stated that as others have already mentioned out, the term "scholarly literacy" has a variety of interpretations, and there is an absence of an explicit and unanimously agreed-upon articulation in London. Technological advances in London brought literary works to continue to develop with issues in it such as conflicts in real life. In the novel Oliver Twist, the development of science and technology has resulted in the use of firearms and automobiles over the moment. Oliver is indeed a lonely guy in the universe and without any mates. Oliver currently resides with Mrs. Mann after his mother dies and then she lived with him for about nine years. And then, Mr. Bumble, a fat workhouse keeper, carries Oliver to continue living in the poorhouse. This novel will travel us to the twentieth-century UK to view the impacts of industrial capitalism and to criticize the harsh new poor legislation, while also trying to deliver the somewhat mixed signal regarding social inequality.

  • In conclusion, from some aspects of sociological approach regarding the issues of child exploitation which social aspect, economic aspect, and science and technology aspect. Child labor and exploitation are caused by a variety of factors, including poor, social norms that endorse people, a lack of quality career opportunities for children and youth, migratory, and natural catastrophes. Such factors are not only the reason but also the outcome of structural inequalities exacerbated by discriminatory practices. The story of Oliver Twist is an illustration of the main character who has a sad story of child exploitation. the suffering that occurred in his life being a slave and being underestimated by others made his life miserable. Therefore, the author decides to choose child exploitation which is a description of the main character, namely Oliver Twist.


  • Osborne, J. (2007). Science education for the twenty first century. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 3(3), 173--184.

  • Ratnasari, I., & Windhasari, F. (2019). Aspek Sosial Dan Nilai Sosiologis Yang Terdapat Pada Cerpen No Ban Karya Kenji Miyazawa. 06, 71--86.


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